I've noticed something recently. Maybe it's just because of the bad case of pneumonia I had. Or maybe I've noticed it all along. I'm not a touchy-feely person. You know, the people who HAVE to touch everything (and everyone). I hate getting hugs or stuff like that. The same goes for doctor's appointments. *shudders* It just creeps me out. The thing is, most of the people at my church (yeah I go. I don't like it there.) are touchy-feely. I made a bet with my friend that someone would touch my pigtails (it was the style I felt like wearing that day. I was going for a cutie-manga girl look) on Sunday and lo and behold! They did. It's not like I could just say, " GET THE &*%! OFF ME!!!" Well I could...*evil grin* but then I'd be grounded forever. Ha, it's funny though.
On to more important things though! For Christmas, I got some great games. Final Fantasy VIII and IX and...CRISIS CORE! OMG! Sorry, I'm just obsessed with it right now. VIII is more boring then I thought it would be and I haven't started IX. I probably won't until I beat X.
Bah, that's about it. I'm going to study for my midterm now or I'll fail and never return!