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Body Language

I am so lazy right now. If I were any lazier, they'd call it summer break. But it's not summer. Not yet.

School lets out on the 16th, but we really only have...a week left because the last week is all finals. And I don't have to take half of my finals for various reasons. I think that's pretty AWESOME, but, you know, that's just me.

...I couldn't really think of any possible way to answer people's comments on the last blog because I feel that any sort of response that I would have would be terribly awkward and incorporate heavy usage of the ":oops:" face. You guys are really too nice to me. I don't deserve that much kindness, gosh.

My sense of humor, actually a lot of my personality is very self-depreciating (to the point of almost being sort of sad). It travels over into real life too, don't worry. We could analyze this or something but that wouldn't be very much fun.


Today we learned about...body language! I feel like that somehow merits a *jazz hands* emoticon. please do not ask me why. It wasn't as cool as I thought it was going to be. I knew most of it already...I just don't put it to use, at least not consciously. The best part of the lesson was my teacher acting it all out. :lol: It was the best. He did this whole "skit" between a guy and a girl (it was to demonstrate how guys suck (sorry!) at reading body language)...psych is the best.

As much as I'm ready for school to be over with (for the year, not for...graduation or anything. I'm still a baby in comparison to most of you guys.), it's a little sad. I remember when I was five and high school seemed like it would be "super-awesome" and I wanted to be valedictorian and date a football player and all that stuff.

Yeah, dreams are nice.

If my life is following the plot for a high school movie (and I do suspect it is at times), then I should have some sort of happy ending at some point.

Just kidding!

Random stuff

-so the other day I was talking to my friend, Alien (that is her nickname), and we were trading music back and forth (links). Different strokes for different folks, indeed.

-I realized today that I get most of my phone numbers through talking to people about video games. D: Isn't that weird?

-Prince of Persia! I'm getting near the end. Three more areas to free of corruption and then some final boss stuff and then THE END.

-today this guy came up to me and asked me a question about this essay that I didn't upload. I didn't know him , but he knew my name- WAIT. This discussion will have to wait for another time. I just got this email from my friend for World of Warcraft and it's going to be so awesome and stuff and yeaahh. Just kidding, I'm not sure how I feel about this.

but yeah, I think I'm going to go off and procrastinate a little bit. Or maybe write that essay. Or study for that math test. Man. I am going to flunk my math final.

see you guys later. c: