Heh, first things first, I'd like to say that I'm gonna be leaving for a week. :cry: I really don't want to go BUT I'm looking on the bright side. I get to see my grandmother (BONUS), probably fall out of a boat and get eaten by an alligator (BONUS), and eat way too much food (BONUS). I have relatives down south and I haven't seen them in two whole years. Since they hate coming up here to Maryland, we always have to go down and visit them. I hope you guys (and girls) will all cross your fingers for me and hope I don't get sick on the plane ride down. Or back, for that matter.
As for the title, well, it refers to remix of the "Chocobo, Chocobo," theme from FFIV. And uh, you really should try and listen to it. I don't think I lived until I heard the phrase, "Chocobo, Chocobo, you're so fine," rapped. The song can be found at the www.ocremix.org , under the title "Rhymes With Elixir." (or just look for the new FFIV remix album on the site's main page) And just as a warning, the song contains language and suggestive references. Don't blame me for any scarring that might occur. :)
And what one of my blogs is complete without some Fullmetal Alchemist references, hmm? The new series (availible online for F-R-E-E! :D) is just getting better. I was watching the next episode preview last night and...wow! They're doing a great job keeping to the story. I've actually gotten a little teary watching some of them. It's sort of embarassing actually. :oops:
Well, again, I'm going to miss all of you, with the exception of the Three Stooges. You know who you are. I'm going to get you when I become the King in the King's game. Believe it!
I better cut this short before I start to get second thoughts about leaving...