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Congrats, GS. You couldn't have done it without *us*

GS won the Webby Award they wanted so much! :lol: Well, if my new emblem is any indicator, we have some SERIOUS celebrating to do...*cough* I'm so happy, I decided to write a blog filled with even more random stuff than usual! :P

So the other day, I got hooked on the Fullmetal Alchemist manga. It's pretty gory and somewhat disturbing but a whole lot of fun to read. Not to mention it has some pretty funny stuff, including: a mini-skirt crazed Colonel, a bubbly mechanic, and the main protagonist, Edward. xD Just thinking about it all makes me laugh. But besides the point, if you haven't read it yet and you're a pretty big mecha/futuristic manga fan, then you owe it to yourself to read it (if that made any sense). There's also an anime for those too lazy to pick up a book. :lol: (yeah, you know who you are!)

On another note, I have my last final next...Monday? No Tuesday...actually I'm not sure. Sometime next week. :P So I might disappear into smoke for long periods of time or refuse to answer PMs. :lol: Just the usual. And don't expect a monster of the week for a while. I haven't played a JRPG in a while...too busy breaking down Colossi! *musical note*

And on that note, speaking of Colossi, I fought the cutest little one today. ^_^ It was about the size of a Camry or something. But it was so cute! I didn't want to kill it...:cry:! Maybe I should have put it up for adoption...? Nah, I think most of you would try to kill it! :x *sigh*

But be prepared! I'm not done yet. I know most of you won't be suprised...but this may come as a shock to some: I'm going to start something ENTIRELY new this summer. For this blog, I mean. Be prepared! :)


DISCLAIMER: I was in a somewhat good mood while writing this. So yeah, if it doesn't sound like me, that's why. xD