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*cough* I'm not sick *cough*

I told myself that this school year, I wouldn't let myself get sick. Most people would be happy to miss a day of school, but me? No freakin' way. :x I'm crossing my fingers and hoping that it isn't what it seems. I AM NOT SICK. :x If I am sick though, it's totally my fault. Don't get me wrong, it's not for lack of hygiene. I just choose not to sleep at night anymore. It's that simple.

I've learned lately that playing video games with my :? My brother is obsessed with winning and throws a fit when he's not player one, my sister cries over losing as well, my mom, well, she's her usual self, and my dad's cool, I guess. I've always been an anti-social gamer. And my family doesn't get games at all. Every single console game that I've beaten has some weird shadow hanging over it. FFX was the time when I had to draw out the final boss battle and outwait my brother. Shadow of the Colossus had my whole family watching intently as...a spoiler happened. :P Twilight Princess, meh, it was okay I guess. I had the rush the final battle though so my brother could watch his TV show. Fond memories, eh?

Speaking of fond memories, today is September 20th! What's important about today? Nothing much! Except *it* is coming up soon. That *thing*. :x *It* just has to come every year, doesn't *it*? Living in a small-ish town, *it* has to happen inevitabley. I just wish that I didn't have to particpate in *it*. *sigh* At least I get a day off for *it* though. Always look on the bright side of life. (?)

I promised I would finish the rest of the questions, so I'm not going to dwell on *it* any longer!

mprezzy asks:

1. How tall are you?

According to the last measurement, I'm somewhere between 5'8" and 5'9". I thinkest.

2. Would you rather have a chilly house and bundle up in flannel pants and a big sweatshirt, or have a warm house and be in a t-shirt and shorts?

A chilly house. I love the feeling of huddling against the cold. If I were in a humid house, I'd live in a bathing suit and recline in a swimming pool all day long. The cheap ones you can get from Wal-Mart.

3.If you had to choose between living on a remote island with no contact with the outside world (including internet) or living in a 10 ft. square room with 14 people for one year, which would you choose?

A remote island. I'm a loner, contrary to what I might seem like here.

Desulated asks:

1. What do you plan to do for your future?

I plan on saving the world! *tough muscles*

2. What's more important in your opinion-wealth or health?

Health. Wealth...well, just look for the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.

3. Is life tough?

Hell yeah! But you gotta stick through with it, 'cos there's a lot to live for. ;)

Slyfur asks:

1.What was your favorite cartoon when you were a kid?

I didn't watch cartoons a whole lot but I did like...Pokemon a lot.

2.What's the best game ever in your opinion?

My Little Pony Butt Tattoo Parlor: Aidan Edition! Rainbow rope, FTW! :lol: Actually, it'd have to be Capture the Flag. No one said it had to be for a video game console...

3.Um... Do you really jump every time the phone rings?

Not as much as before. :P

Marrium1 asks:

1.If you were to bring anyone to dinner, who would it be? (dead people too)

That's a tough question but it'd have to be my grandad. :(

2.What is the coolest, but stupidest thing you have ever done?

Uuuh, I don't know if I should tell you that... ...'s pretty bad. :P

3.What does your nervous laugh sound like?

It's a S-E-C-R-E-T

MistressMinako asks:

1. Do you love anime?

Yes! I adore it. I feel like I can't live without it. :P

2. Do you love steak?

It depends on how it's cooked.

3. May I have your chicken sandwich?

No, I live for Chick-fil-A chicken sandwiches. Just thinking about it makes me hungry...

It's been a while since I posted a random video link, so here's one! School-themed, of course. :P

...*loss for words*
