Okay, that title has little or nothing to do with this post. The depression part yeah, but Cymbalta? I pulled it off a TV commercial (not that I like watching TV; most of it sucks). I feel so utterly helpless. At school, there's this guy who take a perverse pleasure in torturing me. He tried to hit me (or as he claims "my hot chocolate") with a rubber band. In the face. Personally, I think of him as (drumroll, please) the........................-censored-. All the mothers (except mine) eat up his, "I didn't do anything" crap. If I was a snitch, then he would torture me even more. I don't snitch. I deal with my problems. Even if "dealing" is just running away. Did you ever see the Crisis Core opening sequence? Yeah, that's my life, running down the tracks away from the problems that exsist in my life. But this isn't a soap opera; it's a blog so I'll shut up on the life buisness.
Nothing new, I hacked away at Crisis Core today. Still haven't beaten Genisis into the pile of ash he deserves to be. Sigh. He is so annoying. "My soul hath endured torment to find the end of the journey in my own salvation." :/ Yeah, what kind of self-respecting guy recites poetry? Well, I can imagine Cecil might...but Genisis? For the god's sake, he's SUPPOSED TO BE A SOLDIER. A REAL MAN NOT SOME POETRY RECITING FREAK. Not cool. Guys are not supposed to love and recite poetry all the time. It's weird. No guy I know does that. Strangely enough, they'll willing wear kilts though. I think kilts are sort of cool.
Now to answer my deep question: Is Cecil REALLY a guy? No. And neither is Genisis.