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Don't look back!


(this is the blog of the exclamation mark! yes! it's true! it's also weirdly intense for some reason. hmm.)

as I type the latest installment in my life story (you know, these blogs are an excellent way of keeping track of my progress and growth. It's weird.), the effects from the time-change are starting to kick in.

I don't know why it is so difficult to move an hour forward...but it is.

My love/hate relationship with chemistry has returned! Once again, my teacher reverts to the old "you all are a bunch of lazy unmotivated bums I hate you all go die in a fiery pit" mentality. I don't mean to slam teachers because I'm sure teaching is difficult! but, oh, I don't know, it's just demoralizing.

Speaking of demoralizing, my brother! Man! He always seems to follow me everywhere. Most siblings who ride my bus realize that their sibling needs some room. Not my brother. I try to be nice because I know how difficult starting high school can be. I. KNOW. science fair, and chemistry, and so much angst, and funerals- it's great fun!

I only write about these things because it's what I know. It's my life.

This girl missed my bus the other day when it was leaving the school, but, in a show of endurance, raced across the parking lot to catch it at an intersection. It was like something out of a movie.

The SAT was on Saturday and boy, oh, boy, it was just like a movie! My proctor was really great (she was what my French teacher should be like- je deteste la classe de francais parce que mon professeur est tres mal. si je parlerais meilluer francais...ajdsflk) and weird. I can't talk about the test because the SAT police might get me, but it wasn't bad! I'm sure I got a zero out of zero!

When I actually think about it, there's not a whole lot of school left until freedom. jk, my parents are dragging the whole family out on a westward expansion type deal. It's not a joke! I wish it was. My dad is trying to bribe me into getting more exciting by saying we'll visit my old friend from second grade (he was rich! I was not rich! we went to private school! sometimes we email!), but nothing will persuade me to go.

Everyone at school is into twitter now, but I beat them all to it. :P I've had a twitter since last year in English when I jokingly told a friend, "hey, I'm gonna make a twitter of all the smart-alecky things I say in cIass." it's pretty stupid, but it's nice for just saying short and random things. I haven't shared my handle with anyone, 'cuz it's pretty honest, but that's okay.

On the weekends, I pretty much wake up and watch Adventure Time. I think the latter seasons are better than the earlier ones in some respects. The season three finale was great! If only more shows could end like that.

Oh and COMMUNITY is back this week! I'm so excited!

Then I've been watching Lord of the Rings Extended Edition. I'm not really sure how I find the time to watch so much television, but I basically have no life right now, so I suppose it kind of makes sense. I don't know if watching LotR has been the best idea, though, because last night I dreamed that I had the Ring and I was trying to run away from the Nazgul and they always found me. It was terrible.

I also dreamnt that I overslept but obviously that didn't happen.

The weather continues to be nice. It's like early summer.

well, this was stupid!
