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Fall Photo Competition- twilight Edition

Here's the much belated blog about the way Merry-land looks in the fall! Well, where I live anyways. It's been a busy last couple of weeks and I've barely been able to breathe, sleep , or play video games, much less do anything important like chat all night or be here on GS. :P

Without further ado, I present to you:

"A View into twilight's neighborhood."

This is my backyard. Fairly boring. Trees, trees, and more trees. Tres boring. :|

A view from the front of my neighborhood! WATCH OUT FOR THE WILD UMBRELLA!!! :lol: Sorry. I had to say that...

A shot from the road. Isn't that a gorgeous shade of red? Sort of like my hair right now. Well, it's not that bright but it is red. And this one kid called me a leaf because of it. :P

Into the abyss! This is the road that leads down the bay. Lemme tell you, it's a trip to going riding down. Why? It is FULL of potholes. And no one's bothered to fill

A side view of the gate into the abyss.

Oooh. A magical grove. Like in Twilight Princess! Or Ocarina of Time.

And that's it! Any more and this blog would be far too big to peruse!

I'd love to right more about my life but right now, I'm about to collapse! Hope all of you are doing well, and if I don't say so later, happy Thanksgiving! :D
