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Fever + Turning Blue = One *Fair* Day

Ordinarily, seeing as how it's the school year and all, I wouldn't be posting more than one blog a week. This is a special occasion. I got sick. It's not a huge surprise but it's sort of made me feel mildly irritated because:

1. I hate missing school because
2. there's always a lot of make-up work and
3. I hate getting behind.

Stuff like this can't be helped , I suppose. And I can't go back tomorrow either because there's a policy (from the school nurse :x) that says you have to remain fever-free for a whopping 24 hours before going back. Whatever. I'm not ready to go back anyway.

Monday- Lost in Blue

7:00 AM- Woke up. Had a headache but took some type of painkiller (ibuprofen?) and shrugged it off.

7:58 AM- Barely made it to first period on time.

8:45 AM- Wanted to go back to sleep.

9:30 AM- Starting feeling really cold

LUNCH- Turned blue. :? Had to get a pass to the nurses' office.

Nurses Office, 1255- "Wait right here, SWEETIE. I'll be with you in a second."

15 minutes later- "Come on in and I'll give you a checkup. Oh, even though you're turning blue, have a cough that won't stop, and are shivering uncontrollably, you're okay because you don't have a fever. GO BACK TO CLAS :x"

1:34 PM- Damn you, guy who sits behind me. Why won't you leave me alone? I'm sick, okay?! And I don't like you because you're an idiot. And I won't be your partner for the group project. I don't do groups. Just leave me alone. :cry:

2:25 PM- tHe sKy Iz sO pReTTy tOdAy, iSn'T It...?

Tuesday- Under the Influence

Fever! Fever! 100 and something degrees! Give me some more drugs please!

(before you all start freaking out, I'm referring to cold medicine or whatever you take when you're sick to keep the fever down)

Wednesday- Slightly Better Feverwise...Mental Health, Out of Whack

Pros to being sick:

1. Getting to watch/catch up on lots of TV
2. Getting to "liberate" my brother's DS in order to play Chrono Trigger
3. Staying in PJs all day

Cons to being sick:

1. Crying during said TV shows
2. Losing sanity
3. Chills
4. Drinking LIQUID all the time
5. Taking drugs
6. Missing certain people
7. Having too much time to think about stuff
8. Not being able to go outside
9. Getting behind in schoolwork
10. Can't play video games due to loss of energy/balance/???

Thursday- Dawn of the Penultimate Day, 24 hours remain

(this day hasn't happened yet, silly!)

Friday- *IT*



According to this little boy, bacon is good for you. I wish that was true. :P It's probably just the fever or whatever, but I think this video is freakin' hilarious. If I were in a better mind state, it wouldn't be so funny.

Bacon, According to an Elementary School Boy