I probabley should explain how I even found Gamespot in the first place. Well it began like this: I was trying to sell my old Gameboy Advance SP and was trying to see how much it would go for if I sold it to Gamestop. So I typed in the URL and I made a typo. I typed Gamespot instead of Gamestop. So I began looking around and I thought it was a cool place. Then I chanced to glance over at the URL and realized my ENORMOUS mistake. But, I decided to join after checking out the Phantom Hourglass guide for the umpteenth time , 'cause I can have a blog and post stuff in a gaming forum. It all works out eventually. I guess this is sort of a happy rant rather than other , but I don't care.
Oh yeah and I found how much I could sell my SP for. I'm thinking about it.