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First Day of School (redux)

The first day of school can be likened to eating a suspicious-looking piece of fruit- that is, you do not know whether what you will bite into will be delicious or crap.

In the county where I attend school, they have decided to break the instructional day into four "blocks" and a "free" lunch. Blocks meaning prison blocks and free lunch being like parole, obviously. To confuse a new transfer student even more, there are "A" and "B" days (aka asinine and boring) and the addition of flex periods (where they try and pull out your joints to make them more flexible) on a "B" day. Got it? Of course not.

My cIasses are a mixture of ridiculous, exciting , and whatisthisidonteven. My math cIass is basically the ninth circle of hell. Right now, I have a 17%. Isn't that awesome? Isn't that great? I love having to switch into a new math cIass where I don't know jack- it's positively invigorating! On the other hand, we have government (my teacher is amazing) which is so much better than my old school. We actually learn stuff with practical applications.

But you guys don't want to hear about this! You want to hear about the mysteries of being "the new girl in town."

The first day of school is always sort of hard. I'm kidding, it's the second day that's the killer. Oh boy. My locker didn't open, I fell up the stairs, there was a pep rally (don't even get me started on that), I started crying during an assembly, I missed my physics was pretty awful, I'm not going to lie.

On the bright side, people liked my socks.

I still get a lot of awkward moments though. Today , in physics, I didn't know how to do a problem , so I asked for help. Then, after we went through the process, the teacher was like, "Do you get it -insert name here-?" Immediately the whole cIass turns and stares at me. You'd think I'd get used to it by now but no.

Social-link's kind of like cruising and fusing? :lol: No, I just really wanted to say that. This girl who rides my bus is pretty chill (and this girl in my bio cIass), plus this table of...interesting people in the cafeteria (I don't sit with them because I don't like cafeterias.). And then there are the guys from my physics/psych cIasses. They actually seem to think I'm cool (which is really funny because I'm not). Mostly they try to ask me about life and stuff. I dunno.

Well, it's getting late and I've been strongarmed into going to my little sister's musical. If you guys want to hear more (as if), send me a message! Being the new kid means you have no social life. Essentially. In essence.

Man, this blog wasn't as good as I hoped it would be. What can you expect from a re-run, huh?

Also, this video, got me into trouble the other day. I was in tears , and my dad heard me laughing. He was like, "HOW DARE YOU BE UP AT 11 AT NIGHT. GET TO BED RIGHT NOW OR I WILL LECTURE YOU ABOUT IT FOR FOREVER AND EVER."

I mean, I know we moved to be closer to my dad, but I wish he was still far away. As you can tell, I'm not a big fan of my dad.

Sorry about that. I think that...I maybe need to stop saying what I think sometimes. Or at the very least, stop coming up with random crap/telling random stories.

Well, I can hear yelling/sounds of family tension in the distance, so it's time to cut this blog short and pretend to be absorbed in a textbook.

I hope you all are doing well! Send me a message! Tell me about life!

(man, I'm so lame)

edit: I'm sure it's all over the news by now, but major earthquake in Japan. I really hope that my aunt and everyone is okay. :|