The other day , I told all of you people that I got myself a copy of SotC. That's Shadow (not Shadows, :P) of the Colossus for those who've never heard of it before. And from what I've played (about...two hours), I think that it's a great game in many, if not all regards.
WARNING: Minor SPOILERS ahead! If you haven't played the game or have any interest in doing so, then don't read ahead! Just a friendly warning. ;)
The story begins with a young man riding his horse into a mystical temple. His goal is to save the soul of a young maiden sacrificed for "cursed fate." He has come to petition a mysterious deity for help. But, in order to save her soul, he is told that he must first destroy the idols contained within. The idols cannot be merely crushed with a hammer, the man must destroy their physical manefestations, the colossi that wander the lands. And so, the journey begins. xD
The catch about all of the above, is that you know nothing other than what little you're told. You don't know who the girl is, who the deity is, what the idols are for, or even where the land is! And that's what makes the game so brilliant. But wait! There's more. 8)
SotC has beautiful graphics. The overworld rivals, and at times surpasses, certain *other* games released around the same time. There is no bombastic overworld theme, just the beating of your horses' hooves and the wind blowing for the most part. In fact, most of the game is very quiet. Except for when you meet the first colossus of the game. Wow. I can't even begin to describe it here , you have to go and play it yourself! :P In a word, amazing.
But don't take this game lightly, The further you get, the darker it becomes. I think I've begun to figure out what the sacrifice is at the end. :cry:
Oh and I decided to change my avatar, to *celebrate* spring. Well, at least cheer me up some more! :) I think. :) Sorta. :| A...special prize to the one who can figure out who my avatar is!