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First Impressions on FF X-2

This is (well for the most part) all for the people who cared that I was playing FFX-2. You know who you are. Oh and while I'm at it: THIS BLOG MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS FOR THE PS2 GAME FINAL FANTASY X-2!!!! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.


Heh, I did an okay job with that, huh? Alright! Let the impressions begin!

So I started playing X-2 tonight. Let's get one thing straight: I didn't play for too long. About five minutes really. But everyone did want updates so here they are. First , to start things off, I hooked my PS2 to the television. That was pretty important. Then I took the game out of its case (the cover artwork is very...let's say "nice.") and put the thing in. I pushed the power button and I was off. There was no turning back! Events had been set into motion for Holy's sake! Anyway *shifty eyes*, I skipped past the "before menu" montage and went to select "New Game." Then..."it" happened. First I saw the nice old blitzball stadium in a beautiful FMV. Ahhh, I remember being tortured there...long ago. So when the camera actually went inside...GOOD GRAVY! It's a rock concert. Okay, I like those. Then there's , wait, is that Yuna singing?!?! *cough,cough*britneyspears*cough,cough* And who are those weird guys dancing behind her? That's not important I guess. Oh and there's Rikku in this scene too! Ummm, since when did Rikku wear a bikini everywhere? And who IS that ugly girl who looks like a man? Must be that third character. So overall, the opening FMV wasn't bad, just scary. Then there was a first battle and something else...crap, I forgot. Oh well! That's just the first part. More will come over the next couple of months. Hopefully I can then form an opinion by then.

But onto more funner things! Like Star Ocean. I love Star Ocean. It's a lot like Star Trek (which was my favorite TV show as a little kid) and it has such an interesting musical score. I mean that in a good way. I can't say enough good things about that game! :)

And I believe a few people asked about my "love is in the air" thing from my last blog. Heh, heh, heh, THAT will have to wait. I can't have that AND X-2 in the same post. No! Just no! Don't even go there! :x


DISCLAIMER: Those thoughts on X-2 was seriously what I was thinking while playing the game. Yeah. So don't hurt me!