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Foiled again! Or concerning a disturbing revelation about Lymle...

Tonight, I was going to compare the lot of you to people I know in real life. Then I realized something. I could not seem to find anything in them that reminds me of any of you. Damn. I was so disappointed. BUT I do know someone who looks a bit like the user Aidan129. :P

So that means I've lost my topic for the night. :cry: I'll just have to wing it, I guess.

First of all, I haven't gotten too far in SMT: Devil Survivor. That game is just...hard. Other than that, I really haven't been gaming lately. Nothing seems to *POP* out at me. There are tons of games that I *could* be playing but I just don't feel like it. I have an entire backlog of games that I need to complete too. So there's not a whole lot new on the gaming front. I have considered going this "Puzzle Pirates" thing after hearing about it from another user. Can't be as cool as Chicktionary though. Wait a second, what's that I hear? You haven't heard of Chicktionary? What planet do you come from!? :shock:

Alright! Chicktionary is the most amazing game in the universe, from its lovely orchestrated opening title screen to its lovingly crafted online search feature. *sigh* And if you have an MSN account , you can even save your score! Can you BELIEVE that Gamespot has never heard of it before?! I know, right?! What's more catchy than being able to "rule the roost." Anyway, if you're interested, here's a link. Be prepared to embark on the game of the millineum. Some might say that FFVII is the greatest game ever. I scoff at that opinion and dare to say, " ROX my SOX." :lol:

Onto another trail! Lately, I've become (slightly) addicted to watching the new Fullmetal anime. I know, I'm a crazy Hagane-head but it's really good. SO MUCH BETTER than the original. Even though it's in Japanese, I can understand about every 5th word or so! It's a start. And the opening song is very good. Probably the best anime opening I've heard for a while. Sure, some might complain about it...but I think it's good. Although, it's probably going to change around the 14th episode or so to something I'll hate. :x C'est lavie and all that.

Uh and on another note, I'm thinking about changing my avatar to reflect the end of summer and the start of a new (:x) school. I figure I'd get a head start but I want *your* opinion. :)


(I actually resized this. Please tell me if it's too small again. :x)

And very obviously some of those were thrown in for a joke. While looking for a Lymle avatar I came across a picture of her doing *SOMETHING* that was just...disturbing! The image is emblazed into my mind forever. *sob*

Until next time!



Of Extra Note: My very, very, very good friend kickflip made me an amazing new sig! :D I plan on using it in the near future so be prepared! *musical note*