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Friday...the 13th. I'm so terrified.

Isn't today supposed to be bad luck or something? 'Cause that might be the reason for all of this (last month had a Friday the 13th too, but it was a great day...something tells me to be suspicious) weird stuff that happened today.

Let's start with the mildly bad and work up to the grand finale (which is currently undecided). Today, I found out that one of the guys that I know thinks that I like him. Ha! He wishes...currently there is one guy I like and his name is...Reno (name changed to protect the fellow). Reno is the only guy who (in my life): is not a jerk, took out the trash at this meeting for me, and didn't get mad when I dropped the frisbee at this strange church social. But other than that, he doesn't know I'm alive. So about the guy who likes me, most guys get the wrong impression that just because I can comfortably talk to guys and not run away, I like them. That is far from it.It's so far, it's not even real! :x I just can talk to guys because I have a brother and a best friend who's a guy, duh. But do they know that? No! Sigh. Now I have two different fanclubs: the adolescent girl fanclub and the creepy stalker dude fanclub. Really. It's not even funny anymore...

Now onto the next bad thing! Today was a sucky day because I had to get a ride to work. I was going to get one from my family member (one of them, either mum or one of the aunts) and they never showed up, thanks to having taken my grandmother to the hospital. Which brings me to some pretty bad news. Guys (and girls), I may have to take a long sabbitical from Gamespot and its horde of minions which I have come to love. My grandmother is in the hospital as I type this and I'm worried. She fell out of her wheelchair and got banged up...Wednesday, I think. But they need to check out her brain to make sure it's not damaged and she doesn't have internal bleeding. The people who took care of her thought it wasn't that important and no big deel. -_- Sure. Whatever you say. So now I'm worried. Back to not getting a ride. So I waited and finally caught a ride with a neighbor (all of our cars were gone). I was an hour late, thank God the people I work with are really nice about that sort of thing. Then (only later) did I remember, I needed a ride back. Yep. Another person drove me back. I was just a hitchhiker today. And then when I got home did I remember the stupid group project meeting I had to go to today. So I am so screwed.

This was a highly personal blog and if you skimmed over the last section, eh, I don't care. Just remember, I may leave and/or not blog, post, cause trouble for a while.
