So, a while back, on one of my friend's blogs I mentioned that I was subjected to many forms of music by my parents. :P I decided that every single one of you needed to know exactly what I listen to/subjected to on a daily basis. Also, everything in this blog is MY opinion, not YOUR opinion. I'll respect yours if you respect mine. It's the science of equivalent exchange.
Anyway, the following genres/artists/albums/singles are what I'm *sorta* into. Or not. :x
Polka- ****! Here in the USA, there's a theme park called Busch Gardens. And within that theme park is a faux European environment. One of the many countries within that park is France. And the music that plays there is polka music. I hate polka music. :x But my mother found a CD with thateffin' stuff on it and since then, it's been piping through the air vents of our house. Thank Gilgamesh for earphones. :P
Clay Walker: Sweeeeeet Suunnn Angel! :roll: Imagine waking up to that every morning. And he's a country singer too. Where I live, it seems like a sin not to listen to country music. I guess it would qualify as one of the "Big Seven" right up there with Lust, Envy, Pride, Sloth, Wrath, Greed, and Gluttony. Just put in "Not Listening to Country Music" and everything will be cool. ;) (yeah, RIGHT)
The Beatles: Oh Hades. I've tried to hate the Beatles, I really have. But there's something about them that's just so DAMN catchy. Who can resist "Hey Jude" or "Yellow Submarine"? That's what I wanna know. :P
Enya: Calming stuff. And she did vocals for Lord of the Rings! ...I really don't understand why we have one of *her* CDs though. :lol:
Fleetwood Mac: Yeah, I don't know any of the names of the top of my hand but I betcha a penny to a pound that I could name any of their songs if you played one for me. ;) That's how well I know them.
Sting: Good ole' Sting. His lyrics are really interesting if you take the time to listen to them. I really enjoy "Desert Rose" the most. Is it just me, or does that seem like it was inspired by "Dune"?
Coldplay: We just added the CD to our collection a week ago. Catchy stuff, if a bit morbid.
And I saved my favorite for last. If you laugh at me, I will cry. :cry: 'Cos this dude reminds me of my grandfather. :|
Frank Sinatra: *clasps head ala Cloud Strife* Everyone is going to laugh at me BUT...I like him. You can sing along to his songs and they're very sweet too. Most of my friends snicker at it and call it old people music though. *sigh*
And that's it! I will leave you with my favorite anime opening (which I didn't include, since I feel like it falls more in the category of JPOP/VGM which my family *isn't* into. At all), at least one of them. :P I have a few.
~Extra Stuff~
So if you all ever want to get a taste of what my musical life is like, listen to that stuff. NAO. :x And next time, expect the worst. Or not. :P