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Getting So Much Better All The Time

Someone should kick me for that title.

I just realized that I have the tendency to overreact about many things, namely my parents. The whole Hotmail thing was, well, a lack of foresight on my part. That email address is what I use for student government , along with an art society that I don't have a place in, so deleting it would've been extremely stupid.

Just goes to show everyone that I should think things through more.

And none of that made sense at all, I think. So let's get on to what's happened in the...2 days since I last posted a blog.

I've been stricken ill with something, whether it's the after-effects of grief, something my brother cooked, or just the general plague that the grade-schoolers tend to spread about. It's not I wouldn't worry.

After watching our school play, I decided that...I twilight "Jennifer" lullaby must once again break into the world that is theater! :x This may be my last year here, so I'll go out with a BANG. If I can make the show, that is. I'm pretty sure that our drama thing runs by favorites, not talent. Okay, so it's not true in *ALL* cases but most. And I still have to make it to auditions...and find a proper monologue....yeah. I'll need a miracle.

Initially, I was feeling bad about my engineering project, but after meeting up with my team and getting supplies, I'm only feeling 78% nervous now. See, that's math right there!

The other day, I saw...Across the Universe.

Movie Review:I had a feeling about this movie. A feeling deep inside. Because. This movie just evokes horrible puns (I'm pretty sure that's the word; forgive me if I'm incorrect); in fact, it's full of them from (Dear) Prudence, Max(well's Silver Hammer), (Hey) Jude, Lucy (in the Sky With Diamonds), (Sexy) Sadie, (Get Back) Jojo...our dear, dear main protagonists. That isn't to say I didn't enjoy it; it was decent enough but I felt like the plot was just an excuse to go from song to song. This movie tells the tale of (Hey) Jude, a cute (I think) Liverpool dock worker who heads to America to find his dad. That turns out *so* well... So Max(well's Silver Hammer) takes him in , after (Hey)Jude saves him from...a fate worse than death, a fate which I will not detail here. :roll: Max(well's Silver Hammer) takes him home for Thanksgiving (uh...confused? Where does the time go?) where he meets...Lucy(in the Sky With Diamonds). The rest all of you will have to watch because I am tired. Oh!(Darling) I almost forgot to mention...this is a musical. I'm a bit late for saying that, aren't I?

Since this is a musical, I'm pretty sure you want to hear about the music. No? Well, too bad. It was the director portrayed the songs but I can't say that I cared for Lucy's voice. We didn't hear much from Prudence...and the guys all did a good job. Maybe I'm just partial to male singing, I can't say. :P

I'll include a few links:

Across the Universe- (Hey) Jude/Jim Sturgess

Happiness is a Warm Gun- Max(well's Silver Hammer)/Joe Anderson

Helter Skelter- (Sexy) Sadie/ Dana Fuchs

Let It Be- Uhh, I'm not quite sure.

Final Word: If you're a rock musical fan, or sort of like the Beatles, this MIGHT interest you. Me? I'd just buy the soundtrack instead. Or the $3 UMD at Gamestop (but NOT BestBuy, it's like...15 dollars there). Maybe even rent it, if you're feeling dangerous. :lol:I really think (Hey) Jude is cute though.

ANYWAY. That's enough about that.

No more "I'm leaving blogs" for a while, I hope.

---twilight ♪