It's raining outside. Again. It's also very cold. AGAIN. Just like...uh, Thursday? Or was it Friday? I don't know anymore. :P I just know that it's cold and wet.
So. It feels like it's been a while since one of these "blogs." Lately, I've noticed a disturbing trend beginning to rise again. Tagging. At one point, I will admit, I enjoyed it. Now it's mildly irritating. I don't have random facts about myself anymore! :x I already gave out 100. How many more until the Tagging Beast is satisfied? :cry:
You can probably tell that I haven't been getting my 8.75 hours of sleep a night. Yeah. It's sort of hard to sleep when tests are flying to and fro. I really hate testing. People tell me not to worry about it. Standardized testing is easy! And very stupid! But teacher given tests are a little bit dangerous. The other day, I found out a teacher misgraded a very important test of mine. How do I know this? Uh, I compared it (the test) with a friend's (who'd gotten a MUCH better score). And...she marked my answers wrong when really...they...were...right....:cry: My teacher is very scary. What am I supposed to say, "Oh, I'm sorry, but you screwed up while grading my test?" Even machines screw up on grading tests. :| Thinking about all of this scares me. Could I have really had a better grade instead?
HP: 99 bazillion trillion
MP: Ditto
STR: More than Superman!
AGL: Like a freakin' monkey!
Weaknesses: Teacher's Pet (pos. status effect), Study (tech), Kryptonite
On a better note, I've made some interesting friends and had some interesting times. Singing songs in the hallway after school (during a club meeting) and overhearing certain conversations come to mind. :P I also tried some cafeteria food the other day. All I have to say is that, I'm lucky to have survived.
Enough about school already! :x Time for some first impressions of video games in my collection. That I haven't played before, obviously. :P
CIMA: The Enemy
I now know why this game was a mere 4.75 (with a discount card). It is a very interesting idea. But...the NPCs are so slow! This doesn't feel like a game; it feels like work. Come on CIMA, do something to impress me already.
Tales of Twi-er, Symphonia
In order to build a better Social Link with my younger brother, I (stupidly) promised that I'd play it with him. There was one condition though. I had to beat Abyss first. Last night was not a good night for me. So, I said, "Hey. Kid. Do you want to watch the opening Symphonia video with me?" Good grief. :roll: He's like an irritating little mushroom. So we watched the video together. It was cool. And that's it. I never started the game. :lol: THAT will wait for another day.
And I almost forgot! Stargate Universe is good. :D Hopefully , in one of the episodes, I'll get to hear a Final Fantasy reference. You know, since the main guy is a gamer and all. Man, I'm just too happy about that. :P I guess it's just nice to be watching Stargate again, after all this time.
A Ward to Keep Away the Tagging Beast
Oh Tagging Beast!
I am not a Fancy Feast!
So stay the h*** away from me!
'Cos I want to be free.