Disclaimer: The following may contain angry stuff about Valentine's Day. If you are easily angered about this sort of stuff, leave now. Yeah, I know that didn't make sense. You've been warned...
Okay, so tommorrow, I will not be online. I probably will lock myself in my room and listen to loud ayaka songs that are NOT about love. Why, you may ask? It. Is. The. Cursed. Day. Of. Love. I. Hate. It. I wish I could work on Saturdays, sigh. that would be so nice. The chickens and cows and pigs won't terrorize me about my lack of a boyfriend. They won't kiss and act all dopey. Don't get me wrong; I have nothing against love...when it's done right. It feels like "love" is being sold as some sort of product and not an actual result of genuine affection towards another person. According to everyone, love has to be about kissing and holding hands and saying stuff that sounds retarded. Yeah, that's part of it. Part of love is just enjoying time with someone, laughing and not turning it into some sort of make-out session. You know? You can love your family! You can love your friends! Hell, you can even love your stupid mutt! So why is love sold as some sort of over-sexed adolesecent thing? Huh?!?! HUH!?!?!?!?! That's what I want to know. Sigh. This needs to stop.
"Love is patient, love is kind, it doesn't boast, it doesn't say hurtful things. There are three things , right? Faith , hope and love. But you know what? The greatest of the three is love. Not the Hollywood love. Real, true, genuine Love."
Oh yeah, almost forgot. No mean comments. This is supposed to be an angry rant. Try to sympathize, 'kay?