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Heroes and Villains

So yeah, I guess it's been a while (not really). I've been sort of busy with different stuff.

I have to make an important decision about what I'm going to do school-wise (should I stay or should I go?). And then I decied to switch out a study block for an AP English cIass.

There's other stuff too, but it's really not worth mentioning.

also, if you haven't already done so, watch Better Off Dead. I like that movie a lot because it's really...strange. And funny. I was pleasantly surprised.

Oh! Homecoming is this week, which is kind of a big deal here (seriously). I guess I'm going to go...with an assorted group of people that I sort of kind of don't really know. It is going to be even more fun that taking an online chemistry test with a time limit and seemingly random questions, which is to say, not very much. But it will be okay, hopefully. At worst...I'll walk the 20+ miles home. That would be an interesting (and somewhat scary) story.

I've also been playing Zelda (during SCHOOL), and I really love the old Gameboy color games (seasons and ages). Except for the bosses. I think that the handheld/older Zeldas are harder than the ones on the consoles. :x

But then I am absolutely terrible at video games.

And I need to complain briefly about people. :x

[spoiler] I am the president of the anime club at my school (adding a negative 50 points to my "cool" meter). My officers have been so ladfnjkaslkueri lately. Whenever I see them, they're like, "sorry I haven't been coming to meetings lately, I've been busy." Instead of just skipping and not saying anything, you could, you know, tell me that you have stuff to do, right? It's not that hard. Just say, "hey twilight, can't make it this meeting." They have my number (unfortunately). [/spoiler]

Aside from that, I've been watching Star Trek (again). Wesley Crusher. :x

my life is kind of not so exciting, sorry.

edit: Zork.