Just a quick warning: This post WILL include *SPOILERS* for the PS1 game FFVII (look it up yourself!)
Now that that's out of the way...what keeps you up at night? NO, not in that way, just questions that cause you great inner turmoil. Like, what is the meaning of life? Or: Does he/she really like me? Or is it just my imagination? I'll tell you what keeps me up: Who does Reno like?!?!
The other day, I was playing FFVII and I walked into this area surronded by forest (Gongaga, not like it matters) and guess who I saw! The Turks! I found Reno and Rude talking about who they liked! What is up with that? As far as I know, guys usually don't really talk about who they like, do they? It's us girls who do that (at least me and my friends do; they don't understand why I like RPGS so much...). And of course, the whole situation is horribly ironic because of what Elena says:"I think it's so stupid how those two are always talking about who they like. Don't they have anything better to do?" (not an exact quote but whatever!). Rude admits (this is before Elena comes in) that he like Tifa (no way! I thought he liked Elena! Actually, I thought RENO liked Elena. How confusing) but you never find out who Reno likes. WHO DOES HE LIKE?!!?! (sorry I'm using lot's of caps)
Sigh. Sorry for taking up so much time, just had to get this off my chest and onto the Internet.