WARNING! This blog contains spoilers for Final Fantasy VII. So be warned, okay?
You all know I got a hair cut right? Well, there's a nice long story behind all that. Tonight's blog will be on a novel scale, long, epic, and somewhat boring. So sit back and make sure you have at least ten minutes: this is gonna take a while.
My hair cut was supposed to be Kairi's from KH1. Instead, I now look like Yuffie. But that's not the worst part. I very (VERY) foolishly decided that, if I was going to get a haircut, I should dye my hair to so that I could confuse everyone. XD So I also got a box of BRIGHT RED HAIR DYE. See where this is going? I got a hair cut, got upset about said haircut, then dyed my hair because I was mad. So now I have fiery locks. :P (I would post a picture but I'm extremely self-concious and I don't have a camera of my own OR one I could steal/borrow)
Now onto the next part of my life: I got a call today. A call from my mother. :O Now I don't know about any of you guys (and girls!) but I don't like those phone calls. They always end up badly. Always. ALWAYS.
(call recived, please wait for transmission)
Me: Hey, Mom, how are you?
Mom: I'm good, sweetie, how are you?
Me: Fine.
Mom: Have you been getting enough sleep.
Me: Yes. (that's a lie!)
-insert random small talk-
Me: Uh, mom...I've been thinking about majoring...in...history.
Mom: ARE YOU CRAZY?!?!? Unless you get a PhD , you'll be working at a McDonalds. You can't throw away your life like that!!! !!!
-more random small talk-
(I did try...again.)
Okay, onto the final subject and the reason I named my blog what it is... Last night, I was online and browsing the forums on an off-topic thread. I saw someone post a link to "the greatest battle song ever." Being the skeptic that I am, I had to go and check it out. I got to a link of "Reach out to the Truth," a song from Persona 4, a game I've never heard about. But I'm listening to the song and it hits me: I really love it... And another thing hits me: this paper I have to write. I gotta write it on a word. DING! An idea bubble pops up and I decide to do my paper on truth. :P And I actually finished it! :O Not to mention, it's pretty good. Much better than my earlier drafts...
(if this post seemed strange to you, I'm tired. Really tired. Not a newsflash but I don't want to give people the wrong impression. :O What would I do then? :lol: )