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I'm a (Devil) Survivor!

As the title implies, the other day I went out to go get myself a copy of Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor. I know what some of you might be thinking, "Didn't she really want -fill in the blank with a name of something on twilight's wishlist-?" Well , guys, grils, chicks, hibachis, Wild Marlboros, and pixies, where I live , it is not easy to find every title you want. And I refuse to buy stuff from the online black market. :x I've been conned too many times. And I've been meaning to play a SMT game for eternities PLUS it was portable. I mean come on, what could be better than that?

~First Hour Impressions (I think it was an hour; it might have really been about 45 minutes)~

Well, the main cutscene is very bleak. And a little weird. But then you get to name the main character! :D My favorite part. So his name is:

First Name: Kyon

Last Name: Ohtori

Nickname: Flame (star icon)

Okay, so I thought that Flame (star icon) wouldn't be used that often. My thoughts were, "Hahahaha, this won't affect my gameplay *too* much." ****. ****. ****!!!! !!!
Within in the first minutes of meeting my new buds (Yoohoo and Semi-cool Hacker Dude), they both started calling me Flame (star icon). WHY?!!? WHY?!?! Of course, I was too lazy to go back and watch the opening screen again so I decided that it was just one of those burdens that you *have* to bear. *sigh* So now, for the rest of the game, I'm going to be called Flame (star icon) , at least for the most part. My evil looking cousin calls me by my real name though so I guess the name "Kyon" wasn't a total fail after all.


Come on Flame (star icon)! You *CAN* get past your lame nickname! Ask her out already! :P

The game's battle system is pretty neat though. It's tactical turn based a little like (gasp) Shining Force! Except more spiffy looking. You move your cute little sprites around the field and go and hack up the demons using the "A" Button to select the "Attack" feature. The explanation is a bit confusing but it's fairly easy to pick up, especially if you've played a tactical game and/or JRPG before.


Oh my God! Flame (star icon), I never would have guessed!

Trust me, as the summer wanes on, you'll hear more about this game. A lot more.

I also have some good news to tell all of you! I finally have a bed. A real bed of my very own. For the last year and a half, I've been sleeping on a mattress on the floor. But , the other day, I went to go out and get a real bed. It's so great! I'm so thankful! :)

On some other news, I got the two newest volumes of Fullmetal Alchemist. All I can say is that:

"I didn't know that -name- was -name-! Who would have thunk?"
