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I'm a girl! NOT A GUY!!!

Just to clear things up for the few of you who even bother reading my blog (if indeed anyone does), I am a girl. NOT a guy. Yeah I know that most of the people (at least what it seems like to me) are guys but I am female. Sadly, I am also single. :( So I hate Valentine's Day. DESPISE IT. Utterly and completely loathe it!!! Don't even speak to me about it!!!

Anyway, on a somewhat funny note, today during a play rehearsal for my drama class, all of my friends were talking about how fat they were. It was horribly ironic because they're all skinnier than me (NOT THAT I'M FAT:evil: ) This one girl has really skinny legs and she was all like, "OMG! Like, my legs are so large." *hack, hack* It was funny. And incredibly stupid. There was this guy sitting behind them and he gave me this look like, "Don't you think that this is as stupid as I think it is?" It was really stupid. I keep repeating myself but it's true.

So, today I also lent my friend (not boyfriend) borrow my game. He was like, "But I don't have a memory card." I'm letting him borrow it. He's strange. We have an odd relationship like he's the Plastic Fist to my Rusty Fist. A senior girl is the Iron Fist. Totally random, but funny.
