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I'm baaaaaaccckkk

After taking a journey to discover my inner self, I have returned to bring you new and exciting details about my gaming experiences.

A conversion has occured. A few weeks (or was it months?) ago, I discovered the joys of playing Final Fantasy. Ever since, I has been a gamer obssed. Even more so than the Twilight Hand , which to this day still haunts me. There is nothing like summoning creatures from unknown parts to destroy monsters...nothing at all. But that sounds a little weird. And I got Final Fantasy IV!!! It totally blows away Final Fantasy III (the DS version). It's cream and liver. There is nothing in common. The only bad thing is, the Theme of Love is stuck in my head, creating negative side effects (sighing and staring out into space). So...with the good there is always the bad.

But, anyway I've played OoT for a few months and I got to the Shadow Temple... Can you believe it? Of course, being the person that I am, I haven't beaten it yet. True, it may have something to do with not having a GC anymore or it may be that I have discorved a new horror...Wallmasters and creepy music. Have you ever heard the Shadow Temple's music? It's disturbing.

That's about all I have to say and I'll finish with a quote (try and guess!):

"Rubicante, for this...for this you will pay!!!"
