First of all, I'd like to say that the Bad Horse Chorus would make an amazing ringtone.
And secondly, I'm back. Again. See, I'm sort of fickle...and I like to flit around. Like a butterfly! So, basically, I'm still here...just not really active. I need to focus on my commitments in real life, I guess. :s It's the end of the year and I have to plan!
In My Life
- We're doing a formal lab in Chemistry! Thankfully, I have a good partner and we're working with the pair across from us, so we should have this in the bag. And to think, I was worried. Please. :P
-The play is this Thursday! Not Friday, like I was tempted to say. Admission is five bucks, bring an umbrella, and know the secret password. No joke.
-I'm growing my own garden. So far, I've transplanted my bean bushes, and a bunch of sunflowers. Everything else needs more time. And my tomato plant is named Oliver.
-One of the guys in the play is secretly in love with me. This is old news, but it makes good gossip.
-So, I've decided to pick up guitar. Oh yes. I love the sound of the acoustic. ♥
-Video games have gone from "OH WOW NEW GAMEZ ALL THE TIME" to "Play Zelda late, late, late at night 'til you fall asleep."
-Music-wise, I rediscovered my "Vampire Weekend" album while studying the other day. I'm throughly addicted.
-Someday, I need to sit down and watch Moulin Rouge again. More of a mental note than anything else.
Things That Scare Me
Before I went to bed last night, I was making a list of things that scare me. I thought you guys might like to see it.
1. Those videos that have things pop out at you in the end.
2. Rain Drains
3. Anything involving Stephen King (especially that clown and "Carrie"; topics for another blog)
4. Yume Nikki and anything in that game
5. All those zombies in the first Resident Evil game
6. Shower curtains
7. Creepy shadows in the dark
8. Most of the people in my History Period
9. Yoko Ono
10. Dental Floss
(all of these are meant to be taken tongue in cheek. Some are real, some are not. :P)
A Random Art Showcase
Since people've been showing off their art a lot *hack, cough*Aidan*hack, cough*, I thought I should show some of my stuff. It's really not that great...but hey! It's from last year. At least, that's what I keep telling myself. :P
The mischievous mayhem that is all of those Katamari games. Not really good quality but oh well.
Part Yume Nikki-inspired, part my own imagination, I have no idea what this is. Also, my friend insulted the way I did my oil pastel.
My stupid-anime esque type of drawing. Although, this is probably one of my favorites. It's some character of mine...
Part of my desk, which is only used for art now. :lol: You can see some of my watercolors and math notes.
And that's all folks!