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Indie Games, A Silver Hammer, and Lone Pears

It's been a while, hasn't it?

I must say, even though midterms are over and done with (HOW SHOCKING!), life's gotten busier. I can only imagine what it's going to be like next year. Engineering, two sciences, and a math...if I end up staying in my small town. The thing is, we might be moving. Yeah. It's sad and all but the people I know IRL give me a hard time about it all ready. It's not set in stone yet so I'm just gonna hope it doesn't happen, that's all. Living here is a love/hate thing and...after six or seven years, I've just hit my stride. :P So yeah.

If any of this is disjointed or nonsensical, I'm sorry. I'm writing this in the hopes that it'll wear me out and I'll fall asleep.

Enough about real life. I'll get back to that later. Let's move onto what really matter here: the games.

Time for gaming's been sparse. Of course, that hasn't stopped me from logging over...12 hours on Beatles Rockband. :lol: It seems like that's the only game I talk about. But it's my GAME , you know? Slowly, I'm becoming one of those losers who plays Rockband all the time. Oh my.

Then there's the occasional late night Animal Crossing DS playthrough. I mostly use it to put me to sleep.

And last, but certainly not least is...for lack of a better term, an "indie" game. Freeware, GBA-esque graphics, and very obscure, this is a game I DO NOT recommend for everyone. I'll do my best to describe it.

Yume Nikki

I did not draw this. YUME NIKKI OMG.

Madotsuki is a female shut-in who lives all alone. The game takes place within her apartment where one can go onto the balcony (which plays an important role in the story...this isn't a spoiler) and walk around inside. If you try to leave the apartment, she refuses. The only thing you can do is save (obviously) at her desk or fall asleep.

If you so chose to fall asleep, you find yourself in Suki's dream world. And Toto? Ha. Kansas is but a distant and happy dream. Suki's dream world is a terrifying, disturbing, and often saddening place. While playing it, the game won't bother you; it's afterwards, alone that's when you start to think about it. At times, I've found myself pitying Suki. What happened to her to cause her subconcious to be this disturbed?

There isn't a boss to be defeated or any plot; the point of the game is to wander and explore. There are 24 effects to be collected and once all of them are placed in the main portal room an ending of sorts can be unlocked. A sad, depressing, upsetting ending.

I found this game by accident on DeviantArt (which you can go and look up yourself). It has a small cult following there and I predict that someday this game is going to be popular. Maybe.

So, if you're interested, you can google and look for an English translation. You can play it in Japanese but I like knowing the names of the effects you obtain. It also requires RPGMAKER2003.

Admittedly, this game doesn't have the best graphics BUT it's creative and original (disturbing and upsetting as well). I'd rather play a game like this than Super Fun Adventure 93289.2. But that's just me.

Again, this game isn't for everyone. I've warned you. Said it a hundred times but I'll say it once more: disturbing. Upsetting. And a bit terrifying.

But if the idea of playing this delights you, go have fun. Enjoy it. :P And TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK. [/Uboa]

I really did go on and on, huh? I could've gone on longer though.


Of Added Interest- Sorry that I haven't been commenting and such lately. Life happened, okay?