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Insert a Witty Title Here (this has been done before, hasn't it?)

I haven't had a whole lot to say recently. It's the end of the year and I barely feel like working on schoolwork, much less posting anything on here. Same goes for replying to comments. Everyone replies with such nice stuff...and I can't even reply. :x So, I'm sorry if I don't respond with something intelligent, or even something at all. I'm lazy, what else can I say? :|

Of course, I have had time for watching TV. Community, Glee, Lost, How I Met Your Mother, Ugly Betty, a spectrum of hits and one serious miss.

I tried to enjoy How I Met Your Mother. I really did. But, after watching two seasons of lame-jokes, disgusting jokes, an annoying main character (along with the guy he shares his apartment with and his girlfriend), and a stupid, boring, tedious plot, I gave up. Barney was the only decent character on the show. Legendary, I say.

Communityis a fairly new show from NBC. I found it out from my cousins. It was around winter (or maybe Halloween?) and it was on TV. I remember thinking it was okay, but I forgot about it until now. The most recent episode is probably the best one so far (titled "Modern Warfare"). Also, the ending bits are my favorite part. Maybe the best thing about the show.I don't know.

After leaving it off for about...3 or 4 months, I picked up Gleeagain. Thankfully, I skipped all of the episodes with the pregnancy subplot (didn't like it, tbh) but I probably missed some really good musical performances along the way. But hey, that's what Netflix is for! Also, this show makes me want to turn my life into a musical. Or at least be in one.

Then there's Ugly Betty. The series finale was really disappointing. I thought that an episode called "Hello, Goodbye," would at least include a cover of the Beatles song of the same name. The entire episode, I was waiting for it to happen. But it didn't. Also, all the ends were tied up too neatly. I'd wax on more, but then I'd have to include a spoiler tag. :roll:

Last, but not least, is Lost. ooOooh. Yeah, I know I'm late to the party. :x No spoilers, plz. So far, I've really enjoyed it. It's very different from what I usually watch and not as dumb as a lot of shows I've seen. In fact, I've watched so much Lost, I dreamed about it last night. Pretty bad. Also, the opening (Lost, close-up and then fade-out) oddly reminds me of Yume Nikki.

That was probably really dull, but I never talk about TV. :P So...that's it for a while on that topic.

Let's talk about games

Playing PS2 games is not an option for me, at least not for a while. Why? Combination of wiring, my TV, and just weird luck, I guess.

I've mostly stuck to playing Pokemon (:x GOTTA CATCH THEM ALL) and the occasional bit of Yume Nikki.

I downloaded two related games, to Yume Nikki, and , since I can't get them to play (something about needing to install RMK2000, which is a pain to find), I've been looking at the maps and programming of the games. It's creepy stuff but not as creepy as playing them through, I'm sure. I thought YN was scary but it's like Barney the Dinosaur compared to the other two games. I know the world of Yume Nikki. I don't know the world of .flow or Yume 2kki (a *clever* pun :roll: ). It sort of makes me wonder, what kind of mind would dream up those kind of scenarios? It's really artistic and full of stuff to analyze and theorize on, but overall, it's just disturbing. Not Saw-movie disturbing, but..."what could have happened to these girls to make these things appear in their dreams disturbing."

And don't get me wrong, I really do like Yume Nikki, I just have to wonder about it sometimes.

Madotsuki and Masada forever ♥



The play I was in went just great

And the whole cast (mostly) did appreciate

How I slapped the large disgrace

With a might "SLAP" across the face. (horrible rhyming, I know, I know)

Also, I flunked a quiz, wrote a paper (overnight), was forced to endure debates on controversial topics, realized I'm not smart enough for the program I'm in, and ran for President. A day in the life, indeed.


Why yes, I did take this photograph

A flower from my garden. My mum grew it, actually, but I took the picture.
