I really thought this weekend was going to be good. Despite having to wash (and wax) two cars, I was having a GREAT weekend even though my *favorite* person is out of town. :cry: And it still is a pretty good weekend. :) There's only one problem: I don't get to go to Distant Worlds: Music from Final Fantasy. :x And so, it's put me in an irritable mood. There's also the small fact that BOTH of my siblings drank the last of my Pepsi (and it was non-generic too!) 'cos my brother was all like, "It doesn't matter what soda it is , as long as it's soda." You better watch your back , kid! :x (earlier last week, they drank all of my generic store brand Sprite...not that it mattered or anything because it was to "share." Share defined as, "Little kids get first dibs and if you miss out, tough luck , sucker!")
How did this come to pass, you may ask yourself. There was an "unforeseen" scheduling overlap between some sort of summer thing (for volunteering to help people somewhere, like building houses, etc, etc) and the people won't allow any flexibility. At all. Whatsoever. The stupid concert is on the night of orientation and orientation is not even a LITTLE BIT close to where the concert takes place. So , of course, the humanitarian work takes presidence. I even said so myself. :| I mean, between a concert and helping people out, the people helping comes first. No matter what. Not trying to be a noble martyr or anything, if that's the impression you're getting. It just makes sense, that's all. So yeah, once again, let me repeat what goes in my head every day, "Living in a small town sucks." For the most part. And sorry if I came off as a spoiled brat. I just...really wanted the oppurtunity and I just lost 100 dollars in the deal. :( And money is a big deal for me...
Lately, I haven't done too much on the gaming front (besides play a drabble of ICO here and there...I find it's best if you play in small doses) but last night I did play "Generic Arcade Game Number 666" AKA "Soul Caliber II" with my little brother. And I won, 6 times straight! :P There wasn't much strategy involved in winning; I just kept spamming random button combos while my brother tried to be all , "I'm doing combos left and right. 8)" Heh. It didn't do him any good. Finally, I got tired of easy wins and feigned being tired and went off to go watch TV. :lol: Today, I decided to play again but I took the P1 controller and it was warm. You know what that means, right? It means...that he had been practicing. For the ENTIRE afternoon! xD I'll let you know one thing right now: my brother cannot STAND to be beaten. He's one of those guys who'll shut down a system if they're losing. Translation: He's a jerk and several other unmentionable names. But his practice didn't do him any good because I continued to win. :D And that goes to show you that girls can win against guys!!! He needed to get his @#^ kicked anyway. Put him in his place...XD
See? My weekend hasn't been too bad, although I'm still thinking about missing the concert. I know, I'm sorta repeating myself but this is MY blog not YOUR blog and if you have a problem with it, you can leave. *points to two bouncers* Writing all this out is more for my benefit than yours because sometimes..you need to let it all out. And that's what blogs are for!
NEW BLOG HEADER ALERT: Yeah! I finally finished a new blog header. Criticism, comments, and other stuff are welcome! :) But I might change Fury's (Fuery? Stupid translation confusion!)picture. His picture seems randomly tilted. :P And I might change my avatar to match my blog header! :D *musical note* Be prepared! :P