What do you do when you have a project in every cIass (no joke) and impending deadlines?
...you procrastinate.
Today this guy from H20 (some American band) came to talk at our school. Apparently he graduated in 1988. It was an okay assembly. We were joking about having someone go up and pull a Kanye West (during the Q&A time). Basically the whole point was "Don't do drugs." Okay. I get it.
I guess I shouldn't really say anymore on this.
(I wish I had gotten a t-shirt. Better yet, I wish they had performed. :x That would have been interesting.)
I realize I get intimidated by people a lot. Even here (not directed at anyone), there are people who I feel are just "so cool." I'm not cool enough to be friends with them...
Have I said this before? Maybe, I guess.
Ever since Mr_Jenkins was cool enough to show off his sketchbook a couple of weeks back, I was thinking, "Maybe I should show mine off too." As soon as I find the time to upload everything or make a video, you guys will be treated to my art. ...or lack of. :P
I've thought about making a vlog or posting a picture too. *shudder* My picture...my face...
I told my friend today, "Yeah, I use a picture of ducks for my Facebook profile because I was afraid having my real face up there for too long- might break a monitor or something." :lol: I like to make jokes at my own expense, don't worry.
But this is not "letstalkaboutwhattwilightlookslikeSPOT" , it is GAMEspot.
So let's talk about movies.
-We were learning about Pavlov's technique in psychology the other day , and it made me think of this clip.
-I wish there was another season of Baccano!
-I've been playing The World Ends with You with the intention of getting 100% (for once). It's been interesting, to say the least.
-I finished reading Fruits Basket this morning (at the risk of running late for the bus). adfljksjk;ladsf, I don't know what to say.
-The other day our school went to see Cinderella at this dinner theatre thing. It was sort of cute, because Cinderella and the prince were boyfriend and girlfriend in real life. I also said something there which was perfectly in character with how much of a dork I am.
"Okay, so we take the smoke machine, put it in the lobby so no one can see anything. Knock out the waiters. Take the gallon of ice-cream, the good stuff, not that sherbet nonsense. We take the chocolate syrup and we pour...*pause* 18 feet. It needs to be drowning in the stuff. Then, we get that bowl of whipped cream, dump the whole thing on top. Then we break into the kitchen, find their maraschino cherries and pour them all over the top so it looks like it's running in blood. *evil laugh*"
I think I made one of my friends choke on her soda a couple of times. I'm not really that funny though...
(terrible quality...I know. :/)
(I think this might be old but whatever)