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Irritation. Ice. Idiots.

I realized after posting my last blog, that I opened the same way twice. Makes me feel a bit stupid but I think I was tired when I posted that. Anyway.

Lately, I've been getting a lot of time off from school. I think it's great. Sure...I'm getting some mild traces of cabin fever but right now, I don't feel like being in school. So it's been fairly sweet. Lots of time to work on creative stuff. I've watched about two seasons of the Office. Pretty funny stuff...but a bit offensive at times. Oddly enough, I haven't taken advantage of the time to play video games. You'd think I'd be spending every free moment but no.

This sort of leads up into my rant of the day. :P I'm not sure if I rant a lot but I think it's been a while. So.

I'm sickof people complaining. Ha. This isn't directed at anyone here but, like always, the people IRL. I love them so much. :/

"God twilight, that was a stupid thing to say. People complain all the time, get over it."

But what, exactly, does that solve? Down here, people complain a lot. "Our county sucks. No one lives here but a bunch of hicks and engineers (weird combo, I know)." "Our snow removal system sucks." "Our school system sucks." "The people here suck." "I hate it here." And this is on a daily basis, from certain people. A mixture of "certain" people. :P

It sort of makes me wonder, whatever happened to looking at the good in life? Admitadly, we don't have the best of everything. one ever tries to make it better, that's the thing. You hear all this b*tching about this and that and the other, but does anyone actually try and go to the root of the problem? No. "I'm too lazy." "I don't have the time."

Shut up, okay? To clarify, this is mostly from people at school.

It makes me sick, honestly. And really, really annoyed. Nothing's perfect. Life isn't perfect. Or fair.

I know what my parents would say: "Get used to it. As you get older there will be people who are a lot worse." And it's true. Sometimes I wish life had an "Easy Button" but it doesn't.


I'm sorry for dumping that on everyone. I know that people have enough trouble without listening to my complaints and everything.

So yeah. No VG stuff this time. Too ad;fkjf.
