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It's Groundhog Day!

Not really. I've just been continously reminded of that movie since about...3 weeks ago?

Does anyone else get that feeling that they're living the same day, with mild palette swaps, over and over again?

question mark?

Anyway, I'm having some issues and rathering than keeping them to myself, which I do all the time, I thought I'd write about it. Go figure.

My friend and I have spent entire English periods comparing favorite moments of the Persona 4 comic dub/Firo Prochainezo/other random nonsense because that's the only thing that English is really good for (well, making snarky remarks is another but that's a little mean). I think I will miss that.

Speaking of school, I went to visit the rich people holy cow this cant be a-err, school I'm attending next week. Oh boy. I'm sure that I'll be talking about that a lot more later.

Also, for those of you who are wondering, there are cows in my backyard. No, not where I live now. My new house. I am not even joking. You can see them. And they can see you.

(if you want to play the technicalities game, they belong to our neighbors. But still. I can see them.)

Tomorrow is my last day of school. That's what I've been trying to say. I know, it doesn't really affect any of you. Like it or not, I'll be around for maybe another 10 or so years, unless something happens.

The last couple of weeks have been a mix of trying not to cry in school, staying up all night, stumbling through the day, listening to this on endless repeat (hahaha), and living out of a suitcase. Mixed feelings indeed.

Moving is also bringing out the worst in my family. I think we win the award for "Stupidest Arguments Ever." I mean seriously, who fights about having a purse on a box that is not even going to be moved for like a week? My dad- I MEAN, what were we talking about again?

And now you guys are probably like o god shut the hell up.

One last point, please.

Okay let me cry first.

All right.

On a better, if it is better, note, my friends and I are having a party tomorrow. You don't realize how much of an impact you make until you are gone (no seriously, a lot of my teachers are like, "we'll miss you, you ruined my day, blajdsklfj;39woerdfskslc"). It sort of makes me wonder what would happen if I decided to...

Anyway, we're going to watch Inception and Scott and play DDR and listen to my weird music. Yeah. You all are welcome to come and crash. :P


So let's talk about games.



What are those again?

Right, Persona 4. Dojima. Adachi. Mitsuo. I don't know.

Then there was Twilight Princess where I am in the "ice cave."

Ummm...Ace Detective? No, that's my text message alert thing.

Oh yeah, I need to check out that Shin Megami Tensei: Imagine thing...

Well, I'm going to do some physics problems, I think. Math is always a good way to get problems off your mind. Or cause more.


(man, I need to include more pictures. :P)

(I'm just in one of those moods. It's nothing, really)