I think it's funny how I complain about people who complain and then go back and do it myself. Quite a bit, actually.
So, I went to a funeral yesterday. I came home to a bunch of status updates on Facebook similar to, "I had a crappy day." Uh, sure you did. I'm pretty sure that you went through unpleasant family situations, drove 6 hours, or more, in a car, and had to write an entire English paper overnight. No? Really? Tell me, how was your day so bad? Did someone *gasp* make fun of your outfit? Or did you have to listen to unpleasantly loud music for twenty minutes on the bus ride home? Maybe , just maybe, you had to take....(wait for it) a TEST that you had plenty of time to study for but didn't and chose to spend it...on FACEBOOK instead? You poor little dear.
I love how my mean side came out right there. :P
Mean ways aside, yesterday wasn't so bad. I mean, I'm looking on the bright side: I got to see almost all of my cousins at once (rare event) as well as my uncles and aunts, walk around a lake on a beautiful day, and miss school.
Today, I went back to school because education never takes a rest! It was okay. SOMEHOW people were TALKING about me and my family life. I got to be greeted with the ever so lovely phrase, "Oh, but it's not like you weren't expecting her to die anyway." That really made my day. I mean, we all eagerly anticipate the day our debilitated grandmothers will die, right? That's what I thought.
Anyway, I'm not going to dwell on the past; as amusing as I can make it sound, in reality, it's sort of bleak. But there's always hope. :x Don't get the wrong idea.
So, other than those things, life is okay.
I know I talked about auditioning and I am SURE that ALL of you want to hear about that.
Here is how I described my former acting experience (on some fill-out sheet):"In second grade, I played God. Later on, I played the nagging wife of King Midas. Only last year, I played the part of the daughter of a minister; then I was demoted to opening doors as the Porter in Macbeth."
On talents,"If you want the truth, I am quite dull and have no talents to speak of whatsoever." :lol:
This is just a small sample of the things I wrote down. Yeah, I'm full of it.
The actual audition went well. I had my moment of "Oh shi---" and the inevitable "Let's not finish that." I did some improv...it was terrible though. I almost died of shame, that's how bad it was. In the end, I doubt I'll make that call-back sheet tomorrow. But hey! I think auditions are the best part, full of magic and excitement. Thinking about it makes me jittery, like a can of Mtn. Dew. :x Terrible stuff.
Video games, alas, have taken a backseat to everything else. I took out my PS2 the other day and realized that I hadn't played it for around three months. Three. Months. My DS gets a lot of use; especially late at night, when I can't sleep. Of course, all I play is Animal Crossing so...Zelda and co, you guys'll have to wait. I do use my Wii...but it's for stuff like Rockband and DDR; nothing "serious."
The hour is early and I still need to finish my makeup work so...
---twilight ♪