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June Rain

Let's talk about E3.

-Unlike , it seems, everyone else, I absolutely loathe the design of the new Zelda game. Wind Waker had good art. Twilight Princess had good art. You put the two together and NO. To me, it comes off as sort of lazy on the developer's part, as well as being…ugly. I mean, granted, it's a neat idea…I just think it looks awful. I HATE IT, basically. That's my take on it.

(of course, when it comes out, I'll be one of the first in line. :P )

-I guess I'll have to go with the status quo and say that Nintendo probably had the best showing.

-And I don't have anything to say on Sony or Microsoft because it's already been said.

-E3 wasn't so bad. Not the most exciting year but if it was exciting, people would still find a way to complain.

Summer is finally here. I decided to skip the last day of school. :lol: It wasn't really a big deal; the teachers didn't take attendance and most of the day was spent in homeroom anyway.

Time for something I say a lot! I'm going to Japan this summer . :P It's not an "I'm leaving" but it's pretty damn close. Actually, I probably will be absent on the site for a long while. The real world is more important, as everyone says, and , for once, I'm going to listen to reason. No Facebook, for a long time, I think. And this site, yeah…I don't know. I mean, I'll be around but barely!

(This is mostly because I installed a site blocker on Chrome. Yes, I know there's Incognito mode but that would sort of defeat the purpose.)

Sorry if I've forgotten to reply to any messages- I'm too forgetful for someone so young.

Have a great summer everyone and Happy Father's Day to all those dads out there! Except mine. j/k…I think.

(also, I apologize for the sloppy writing style of my blog.)

twilight (not the book)