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Leaving?! No...

*sigh* Another weekend, down the drain. This weekend I'm devoting to STUDYING.Because I willFAIL if I don't. So I won't be around until at least Sunday afternoon. And no, I am not going to wimp out of this because (contrary to what people might believe) I do care about all that stuff. Sorta. :) Kinda. :| Not really. :( And don't even expect to see me tomorrow, 'cos the whole day is booked with stuff. Crappy stuff that I would rather skip but stuff that I promised to do. And I don't go back on my word...unless my fingers are crossed. :lol:

Anyway, on a happy note, now I'm in a better mood today than I've been for a long time. I feel...strange. Almost cheerful for some reason. Hmm...maybe all this cheerfulness stuff is rubbing off on me. :x Great. Now I'm going to lose my touch.

And on yet ANOTHER note, I have a poem (I wrote it a looooooonnnnggg time ago) well really a haiku, dedicated to something that is near and dear to my heart: Study Hall. :P

Wishing for the day

When this study hall will end.

Please be over soon!

