So a while back (how long ago has it been?), I was talking about weeding down my friends list. And I did that today...I cut a whole lot of people out and only kept: my friends from FFE (the first union I actually was welcomed into), mprezzy and his family (who are all really great people), a few random users who I think are cool (random is meant in the best way!), and some of the people from the Catz Clan. I really was getting sick of all the "random comments" I'd get from all these people tracking me...I mean it's really flattering and all to get tracked but...I dunno. Those people don't even really know who I am. :? And that bothers me for some reason. Anyone who's got something bad to say about this can talk to her:
Today all of you were going to get a nice "Spirited Away" review but my copy of the movie was taken. :O! It just vanished this morning...and it was a movie rental too. And here's a funny fact for all of you: Tara Strong (thelady who voiced Rikku) voiced a giant baby in the movie! :lol: I didn't even recognize that as Rikku's voice until I looked at the credits.
On a grimmer (that's not a word...I don't think) note, sometime in the near future (maybe even tomorrow) , I may have to leave Gamespot for a while so that I can study for finals. :( If I disappear for a couple of days, then I'm either: dead or I'm studying. Or a mixture of the both. Ditto for my activity. I'm just getting swamped with all this "end of term" stuff right now.