I'm not sure if I've ever mentioned this before, but last year, I took Latin as my langauge. Go ahead , laugh. I know it's dead. And I know , that , to most of you, it's pretty worthless. *cough*yeahright*cough* I can name a couple of fairly well known songs in the so-called "dead" language. Watch me go!
Lilium- from the anime "Elfen Lied"
First of all, I'd like to say that in no way do I endorse the anime "Elfen Lied." Sure, it might have a good story/plot/etc but from what I watched, it mostly consisted of blood , gore, and stuff that could get you into a lot of trouble in the real world. Let's put it at, "Simply Inappropriate." :? And it made me feel dirty inside after watching it. Way too much FEMALE nudity. That is not the right way to treat women, even if they are imaginary and animated. Girls need respect. Screw fan-service. :x
My ranting aside, the theme song (or opening credits song) is gorgeous. Not the actual pictures that go with the song (even though I love the artistic references, the nudity (AGAIN) is just too much. :? ) but the song. ^-^ Wow. Haunting and beautiful all mixed into one.
Lilium (it's clean, don't worry.)
One Winged Angel- from the video game "Final Fantasy VII"
You just knew this one was coming, eh? Gotta pay my respects to little ole' Sephy! This piece is slightly overrated but come on. If I'm mentioning notable Latin songs, then this is a given.
Liberi Fatali- from the video game "Final Fantasy VII"
Whoa! Dude! Another FF game! Two in a row? That's LAME , twilight.
No, it's not. Liberi Fatali is a Latin song too. Even if it's from the same franchise, it counts. Too bad the game wasn't as good as the song...
Liberi Fatali (also the in-game version with the slightly awesome opening sequence)
There. You got three. Latin's not as dead as they claim, dangit! :x I could find more but...unfortunatley, there's a little something called "life" preventing me from doing that.
"Life" is also preventing me from responding to any comment placed on my blog. You all have said somethings that just have me WAITING to pop back with a smart remark. Or maybe something kind. But sadly, my time is slowly ticking away. :? For everything. Like...deadlines. Ooh. I missed one today. Now I'm in T-R-U-B-B-L-E. Nah, my teachers like me. I thinkest. It's just my clasmates, although I use the word "clas" very lightly, that cause me problems. Not all of them, just a select few. Yes, I'm looking at you FOOTBALL PLAYER who sits behind me in my English clas. :x
Hmm, there's so much more I want to say. Like, Stargate Universe is awesome! I'm actually going to watch it in about...20-15 minutes. :lol: The other way around would sound better, but you know me. Gramerare ma week poynt. Just like chicken nuggets is like my family.
Speaking of, lately I haven't had time for video games. Save one. Romancing SaGa. Man. That game is terrible. But gosh golly darn geez, does it have some pretty good tunes. Some of the time. Occasionally.
I like this piece way too much. It might be a little repetitive and generic to some, but...you know what? I like it. And that's all that matters.
Of Added Interest- I know I've said this before, but if you have an MSN and want to chat with me sometime (I'm only on about...35% of the time though), the offer is open! Send me a PM and you'll be good to go. Yeah. Okay. I'll be quiet now.