well, it's been quite some time, gamespot.
School is back in session (yeah school), and my schedule is pretty decent. AP Chemistry with dumbleyodalf (our teacher thinks that the cIass should have been named "Potions," so more people would have joined) and various other cIasses, some of which are worth dwelling upon.
My brother goes to the same school I do, as I may have mentioned a few (read: far too many) times before. It's mildly irritating, but I'm able to avoid him when the need arises with a fair degree of proficiency. He was talking about trying out for the winter play, and if he does, I will probably -insert melodramatic reaction here-.
Speaking of drama, auditions are the day after tomorrow. I feel nervous about the whole thing, but I just have to have confidence. Anyway, if I get rejected (chances are quite high), it's okay. There are other opportunities for me out there. Just gotta keep perspective and stuff.
Eternal Sonata is an okay game. Love the battle system, the cutscenes...not so much. I'm kind of thinking that I could skip the cutscenes and just wing it, but missing the story would probably bother me to some degree. I like all the different musical names too- Polka, Beat, Allegretto...I need to practice piano more. :P
Then I started playing Spirit Tracks because I missed having a Zelda game to play. I'm simultaneously playing an old game (finding stations and stuff) and a new one, which is weird. I would play Link's Awakening, but my GameBoy catridge likes to delete save files. So that is out of the question, for the time being.
And then I need to finish Okami at some point or another.
that's really it. I just wanted to write something. .-.