I haven't been haunting this site nearly as much as I used to. So, I'm very sorry if I've forgotten messages or been inactive in any unions. Life's kept me busy with a great many things. Feel free to demote me, if you'd like.
Also, on the topic of vanishing, I shut down my Hotmail account. I'm not ignoring anyone; it's just something that no longer exsists. If you want to talk to me that badly, send a message. It's not nearly the same but...it's better than nothing. I don't really want to talk about why but again, send a message if it's killing you. Just don't go spreading stuff around, not like any of you would do it anyway but still. :/
Life's been alright, I guess. I've gone from a science fair to a major scale engineering project (for my grade level, age, and previous experience which amounts to...uh, none I'd say), which occupies most of my time. I can't say that it's the most exciting fun awesomest thing ever but it's okay. At least I'll have some background in those areas. A positive,I guess.
The funeral's next Monday. I get to miss school. Positive again.
On the topic of video gaming, since that is what this site is about after all, I've pre-ordered this neat little game for the Wii. It's called "Fragile: Farewell Ruins of the Moon" and it's my typical Japanese RPG (or something of the sort) fare. :P I guess the people who made a game called "Eternal Sonata" were in charge of the artistic design or something. The main reason I wanted to get it , though, is because of the OST , which is piano-driven. I'm too lazy to link it but if you find yourself with a bit of spare time, Youtube or askpspitus it. I don't think you'll regret it...especially if you're a piano geek like I am.
Besides that, I've gotten, or rather my family has, the Beatles Rockband. It's every bit as good as it was when I played it with my friend but...playing with my siblings ruins it for me. They enjoy fighting, discussing how creepy Lennon is, and singing like fiends from hell. I won't be generalistic , and rather negative, by saying it's like that all the time because sometimes, they do a decent job. But usually, I play Band Hero, which I really don't like, in the name of peace. :P Ah, saying that made me feel like a suck-up.
Tonight I plan on going to see our school's play , Rumpelstiltskin, I think. I really hope it doesn't include cross-dressing, like last time, because my mom and some little kids are coming along.
It's really hard to smile and be happy every day but why should I be sad? Like people told me when my grandpa died, "It's just another old person." "You probably didn't even know them."
Yeah. Life goes on, within you and without you. Life's not fair, it's just fairer than death. That's life. I know.
Happy Spring everyone. :) So what if I'm a bit early? Better early than late and better late than never. :P
---twilight ♪