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magnetic fields stretch across lazy school days

(Shut up out-of-ammo. :x Just shut up.)

There's something happening this week that's sort of big in the gaming world. Just kidding. I have no idea what I meant by that. :P

So let's talk about life. Things are going pretty okay. My grades are pretty lame. I feel like an idiot. I'm going to fail my all my finals.

Great positive outlook on life, correct?

I've already lined up some cIasses for next year: a few scattered APs, study hall, yeah. We had AP orientation today which was basically, "hey guys, we're going to give you a lot of stuff to do over the summer so you will have no life k thx bye."

(it's not too bad- I have to read a couple of novels and memorize some chemistry stuff (AP Chemistry! Double the failure. The teacher seems pretty scary but cool (he might sort us into houses, ala Harry Potter! Isn't that awesome?). We'll see how it goes in the fall.)

Then I'm filming a last minute AWESOME (jk, it's lame) documentary for the administration. It's a long story, okay? It is maybe one of the most awkward things ever, asking people for interviews. I'm just saying.

On the bright side, there is no bright side. I will probably be socially ostracized by my peers for writing propaganda.

I have three days left this week and three days next week and then I am F-R-E-E.

...until next year, where my little brother will be joining me for another year of higher education. Damn that brat- I mean, I love my brother so much. He is never a jerk who makes fun of me and thinks that I am stupid because I am a girl and calls me fat. Perish the very thought.

(yeah, yeah, yeah, you only have one brother and you gotta love him. I get it. He's okay, he's just a jerk. I'm obligated to kiss the ground he walks on because I'm a girl and therefore not nearly as clever as he.)

Please take note that many of these sentences should be read in a heavily sarcastic manner. Sarcasm doesn't translate very well in text.

Don't get me wrong, I love my life most of the time. I just get frustrated because I feel like a failure so much of the time. It's just society, you know? And my parents! Yeah parents!

My bio teacher gave a great rant on GPA the other day and how an "A" is becoming more and more worthless because of all the random GPA boosts students get. Show up to school? Let's add .5 to your GPA. Refuse to partake in illegal subtances? Oh, 1.0 boost for sure.

If life had a theme song right now, it would be this. Say what you want about the band, but I like this song a lot. The whole feel of it sort of recalls summer. But maybe it's just that time of year where *everything* feels like summer. Sorry if I'm obssessing over this song- I really like the banjo and some of the lines "I felt like I should just cry" and "you've been alone since you were 21." I don't know.

I think the word for what I feel is melancholy.

Bearing no relation to anything

-There's this guy that I know, I think he likes me maybe, and maybe I like him , but I don't know what to do. The best explanation is I'm misreading the whole thing because I'm too weird for anyone to like like that.

-I really want to go home.

-Allergies suck.

-I don't want to grow up.

-I want to complain more but this is long enough.

so yeah, summary of the whole blog: my life is really boring to read about! sorry. sorry. sorry.

(gotta follow the rule of three, yeah?)

time to get started on that formula sheet.