I'm keeping it short tonight. :P I just felt the need to blog about several things that are...*interesting* , to say the very least. Nothing new about my life though, that'll have to wait for later. *sparkle*
E3. It has come out of nowhere. Everyone is talking about it. But really? What is this E3 everyone is talking about? Since no one will give me a straight answer (and no, it being a sequel to E2 does not count :P) , I've decided to come up with possible meanings of "E3":
1. Egotistical Evil Ents
2. E cubed (?)
3. E times 3
4. Entertaining Elephant Eggs
5. Educational Extra-terrestrial Earthworms
6. Excellent Ecstasy Earphones
7. Everything Earthquake Emergency
8. Emotional Empress Echo
9. Easter Ebony Eclipse
10. Extra Earning Eating!
I think the most plausible is number 1. But that's just me. Whaddya you guys think? Or do you already know...?
And finally, I'm going to end with a clip that is best watched and NOT described. :|
Enjoy. ;)