A holiday greeting which encompasses most of what goes on in December.
WARNING- this blog is pretty negative and a bit cynical, sarcastic, maybe upsetting? I really don't want to spoil people's holidays, especially because my problems are so dumb, but I need to talk about things. I'm sorry.
It's that time of year where you are obliged to spend time with family. And, if you're one of those church-going people (like I am!!! SHOCK. :shock: ), you sing incoherent Christmas songs. ...wait, I think that's just my church.
Honestly, I fail at things religion related. I can't debate to save my life and , as a result, people are like, "omg u crazy fanatic." Or, if they share my beliefs (and are in my age group), "omg u can't be religious. u dye your hair and have multiple piercings and like anime."
The same goes for politics btw. I don't have a view because every time I say something...uh, well, never mind.
Two subjects that I hate talking about.
So, once again, I'm writing one of those disjointed blogs. It doesn't really have a point or meaning , but I'm getting that feeling that if I don't talk...I'm gonna explode. Or something.
(oh teenagers, they are just too funny)
I get this feeling I'm going to write a huge text wall.
As much as I like the holiday season (it's that time of year when the world falls in love after all), sometimes it gets to be a bit much.
From the family side, "Let's be together- all the time."
From the (IRL) friend side, "I feel obliged to give you a gift so what do you want?"
From the academic side, "I know you don't have nearly enough to do with the holiday season, so we're gonna have lots of projects and state testing."
The academic part is basically my fault; lately my parents have been giving me grief about my academic load.
"You took too many courses. We could've taken a trip to New York this fall but oh no, you would have fallen behind. You know you can drop AP courses halfway through the year, right? You need to have a balance and spend time with your family."
I know I'm really negative about my family. But honestly, it sort of bothers me how they pretend to accept who I am. I mean, to be really honest here, if they learned about me having this account, well...
...it would not be a good thing. I'm not even joking here. My face is 100% serious right now.
I feel like there's something wrong with me, you know?
Once this person was like, "Well if you get a boyfriend, I'm sure you'll be more well-balanced." :lol: I wasn't sure whether to get angry or laugh. See, I don't do romantic relationships. Ever. Half is because my parents hate the idea of dating and I can't go against TRADITION. And half is because I'm that girl who's too scary/weird. No, really.
But don't worry about me. I am okay.
that was negative. Let's talk about my "surprisingly good acting skillz." :P (this guy said that about me the other day when I was in call-backs. I thought it was funny , but this girl I know got pretty mad. She was like, "What kind of an insult is that supposed to be?! Just call her GOOD.")
The list of people in the one-acts (directed by the senior (citizens) go up tomorrow. I have a feeling that I will, once again, play the villain. Don't worry, I haven't played villains my whole life. Once I was God in a burning bush. True story.
And here is a picture of me:
(more pictures will have to wait- it takes forever and a day to upload stuff to Photobucket. :roll: )
But wait, there's nothing here!
-You opened the treasure chest...and it was empty-
(So who is this freaky girl? It couldn't possibly be...!)
(and yeah, I'm aware I look like...crap. I don't sleep well a lot + I've been sick)
That's enough from me for now.