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midterms + zelda

I think it's kind of weird that in about a month, I'll have been living here (nova) for about a year. It certainly hasn't felt like a year (it doesn't even feel like a new year- if it weren't for this weird party I went to on new year's eve (spring rolls + mario kart + inebriated adults + teen angst = some interesting stories), I would think it was still 2011).

Midterms are NEXT WEEK. I told myself that I'd start studying and after this, I won't be around (until the whole ordeal is over). Nothing is particularly worriesome, except for chemistry, but I think that if I apply myself to reviewing, things will be okay.

(the following section will include SPOILERS for Skyward Sword, some major-ish, some minor. So if you have not played the game or something, don't read it.)

I know that I complained about the look of Skyward Sword, oh so long ago when details were starting to be released, but you know, the design looks nice in-game. Anyway, it's ZELDA. A new Zelda. And that kind of outweights everything else.

The controls are really nice too. It's really exciting to be able to swing the remote and have it respond. I don't like flying very much (or this once sequence involving a mine cart) though.

I guess I'm sort of far in the game...right before the third trial. Those trials are so creepy. The one in the desert...I didn't realize that Link had to roll into the tree to get the tear. Eventually I got it, but there were so many Guardians following me. :lol: I lead them on a wild chase. :x It was pretty intense.

Nobody I know seems to like Groose. I can understand why- but he's kind of funny and likeable, in a creepy way. His theme reminds me of the pirates from Wind Waker. There are a lot of interesting characters, but he is especially memorable. "Nice hair" and all that.

It's just exciting to have a new console Zelda.

(I know, I'm kind of a Zelda freak. Once this girl at lunch saw me getting excited about Zelda and she was like, "It's just a bunch of stupid hype. Zelda is overrated and boring." It's just something I like. And it's the first game I've been excited about in quite some time.)


So, I don't like Dr. Who. I just thought I'd say that. I mean, I enjoy David Tennant and some aspects of the show seem alright...but I dunno. There's something about it that's just kind of annoying. I've tried it out (because the show has a small and vocal fanclub among some people that I am sometimes forced to hang out with), but it's like pulling teeth. I should know.

The weather's been abnormally warm around here- in the sixties this weekend! Hopefully the weather will change and it will snow, so I can take some time to get past the title screen of Mass Effect.

We had this lab about boiling water ("water pressure enthraply" or something like that), and this is going to sound so pathetic, but it is the most confusing thing ever. I hate it because we had to do it twice (all the water boiled off) and it takes forever.

My theory is that the more time I spend in school, the dumber I get. I used to be a lot smarter, I think, but now...I'm as dumb as a doornail.

Oh and here's my New Year's Resolution (so if I go astray, you all can make me feel bad about it): stay focused, keep in touch more with friends, and stop being so hard on myself. Here's to hopefully succeeding for once.


(and I love the little orchestrated CD that comes with Skyward Sword- SO. COOL.)