EASY! SO EASY! I wasn't the only one who thought that though. Mostly the smart people agreed with me. I'm never sure whether to classify myself as "dumb" or "smart." Oh well. That doesn't matter much. I'm relieved they're over and in a way, *gulps* scared. That means Finals are next. I better start studying now!
Onto better things! I finally started Crisis Core (the thing is with Final Fantasy X is that I have a lot of save files. So I'm picking up at the one before *SPOILERS* that certain scene in the woods. Oh wait, that wasn't a spoiler.) and it's great. Not as good as it's namesake but very good. I loved the new remix of Sephiroth's theme. It was appropriate for the game. Next thing you know, I'll be quoting LOVELESS. -_- Yeah it's been drilled into my head. "Ripple form on the water's surface. The wandering soul knows no rest."
Well, I have to go. Schoolwork calls.
"For even if the morrow seems barren of promise....nothing shall forestall my return."