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Procrastination. I have finally hit that time of year (too early! :cry: ) where things seem to be in a slump. Maybe it doesn't affect any of you, but I have absolutely no interest in doing anything. Except sleeping. Or playing endless hours of Wind Waker (shut up). It happens every. single. year.

So, let's talk about something that no one really cares about. :P My dull, tedious, and generally average life:

(give yourself one point for every time I put myself down. It may make reading my blog easier.)

-I failed another math test! Because I am just that stupid. But it was higher than last time...

-I decided to drop out of AP Government. Yeah, I'm just checking off all of these "rebel without a cause boxes." Next thing you know I will be riding my bike at night without a helmet and listening to disco and saying "Aw, heck."Oh wait...

-I bought about $40 in music over the last two months. WHAT. WHAT. The worst part is...I've listened to all of it at least 20 times. [/I have no life]

-All of these bullet points start with "I."

-Advice time: so there is this friend of mine who is okay sometimes but she's pretty abusive. Like to me. And she still wants to be friends and hang out. I love my life.

-After hearing a story about a man who stole people's eyeballs, I...I don't know.

-Check out my new avatar! Yes, it looks washed out but it's intentional. And it looks like me! jk

(I was going to include a jab at my appearance but fadkjl, I'm not going to)

-My foot just feel asleep.

Here are some pictures to comment on, for no real reason.

stay clean

I wear these all the time (but not right now and it's sort of bothering me). It reminds me to "stay clean," whatever the hell that means. For the most part it works. [/yeah, I'm cryptic]

you are weird

Look at this lovely picture of my carpet! Oh yeah, and an old sketchpad thing. I filled it up.

See, I like to decorate all of my agenda/sketch/journal books with random stuff. Like a collage. It's so dorky. :cry:

By adding pictures to my blog, I incorporated GS Blog Strategy No.876: Pictures give people something to comment on.

(and I am guilty of this. So there. It's only directed at me. I'm not trying to insult anyone.)

Well, I apologize for the poor quality of the blog. Next time. Next time.

(there are typos/grammar errors too. Geez.)

a dance sequence makes everything better?!