Before I begin my desprate attempt to think of 15 more things about me, I will say one thing: this is sort of fun for me. Heh. I spent my whole day thinking of stuff. After I get these 15 things down, you will know now a whopping total of 45 things about me. Thanks to queen_valentine for starting me on this :P and also thanks to KoolKat and NeoGen85 for tagging me! Please, enjoy the following.
1. I don't sleep anymore. I stay up all night and into the morning and then wake up at 6:00. Thank God for articifical stimulents.
2. I hate skirts. Today I dumped half a bucket of water on my skirt when I tripped. -_- Fun.
3. I've been called "heartless" and "overly-sensitive" by a couple of people. Hey, it's always been my dream to be an Organization member...
4. Cookies are tasty. Execept if they have dried fruit.
5. I have several fanclubs. They are known as "The elementary school little grrls club of worshiping -insertmyrealnamehere-" and "The Stalkers club (we're really fanboys)"
6. One of my favorite things to do is go for a run every morning. Lately though, I've been too tired.
7. ...let's see. I have a best friend who everyone thinks is my boyfriend. He's too much of an $%^ for me to like him though.
8. Oh this is getting so hard! :x I do like cooking my own meals and haven't killed anyone yet. :P
9. Yesturday, I skipped class because I was sick. My teachers didn't believe me though...
10. Tonight, I was supposed to go party but all my friends bailed out on me so I'm stuck here, online.
11. The funniest thing someone said to me today was, "I like me some fried chicken" because of the chickens at the place I work.
12. A fourth grader has tried to hit on me. :o!
13. My worst enemies are "Mike" and..."she-who-must-not-be-named." Nobody here knows them.
14. Sometimes, I would rather play older games than newer games 'cause they're more funny (not to mention funny).
15. On this blog, I try to personally reply to every comment. If I don't , that means my mind was erased by an evil alien.
So there was even MORE stuff about me! It sucked...I know. Now it's my turn to tag some people! I'm tagging Slyfur,Courtney817, Wolf_Fox32, tprezzy12, and...Sambone757! You people make up 25% of my friends...:lol: So make a blog so I can know more about all of you! :D (no exceptions...)