So about two hours earlier, I logged into Gamespot. The first thing I did was visit my profile page and just check on everything. I noticed something really weird about the whole thing. My blog wasn't displayed. I just shrugged it off and headed to one of my unions. I clicked on the Boards icon and nothing happened. That was when I started to freak out and think someone hacked my account. I decided to head to the main forums page and check there. Then I saw the big "boards and blogs have been taken down for maitenence" notice. -_- Ha, ha, ha. I was so amused. And on another issue, now my laptop is being screwy whenever I try to go around on Gamespot. -_- So if I don't post for a while tonight, it's because of my stupid computer being "rebellious" again.
Enough of my whining, you don't want to hear that. :P So let's talk about my gaming stuff. Tonight (before this) I was playing some Star Ocean. The more I play that game, the more I love it. Everything is just so interesting. I'm currently at the end of this forest and onto fighting a certain boss. Let's just say, it's VERY annoying. If you're not properly equipped for a Star Ocean boss then you can just kiss winning the battle goodbye. I have found this out the hard way. And Roger (some random kid) is a very annoying character. He acts too much like my sister. Except my sister isn't a playboy. :P I like Albel Nox for some weird reason ; he makes me laugh. :? And he's supposed to be this big tough bad guy. Well, that doesn't surprise me. This is coming from someone who died of laughter when she first saw "evil magic" highlighted in red letters. I get a big kick out of a lot of bad guys. Like Kefka. And Ultros, even though he's just a freaky squid. I really should have been playing Final Fantasy tonight, my party needs some serious leveling up before heading to the next boss. Oh well, Star Ocean is more fun.
One more thing, tomorrow is going to be a crazy busy day for me. I have church in the morning and then I work in the afternoon. So I won't be doing a lot tomorrow. Any questions, concerns, problems, please PM but remember, I won't be available 'til about 8:30 at the earliest. So yeah. Just wanted to tell everyone that.
I ALMOST FORGOT! Whaddya people think of my new profile header? Yes or no?