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My life as I know it may be over.

Crap. Crap. CRAP! I am so freakin' stupid (someone, keep a tally of how many times I say that.). Last night, I told my friend (who is a gossip, sorry but it's true) who I...uh wanted to go out with. She almost hyperventilated. And I have a bad feeling about it. Thankfully she's distracted with plans of giving her boyfriend a kiss. *breathes sigh of relief* I still feel this sense of terror though. Oh well, I need to make mistakes so that I can learn. Like that's ever helped me.

I'm getting LOVELESS stuck in my head. "My soul hath endure tormet to find the end of the journey in my own salvation." It's not helping me to have these stupid lines floating around in my head. Curse you Genisis! Not only does your stupid poetry get stuck in my head, but it stays! And you've killed me in your ultimate form 5 times! -_- Someday, someday...

Speaking of FFVII (I LOVE IT.), I've been replaying from the beginning. My new goal is to see if I can get Cloud picked as Don Corneo's "special someone". Heh, heh, heh, this should be good.
