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My Little Colossus

Yes, I know how much all of you were eagerly anticipating my next blog. Or maybe not. That's okay though. *sparkle* *drumroll* And tonight, after a very long hiatus, we have brought back the "Monster Adoption Program" (abbreviated asMAP)

As you can see ladies and gentlemen, tonight's monster is Reno from FFVII. Or rather, Reno after he had been turned into a pony by the very hawt Sephiroth :sarcasm:. This baby boy enjoys singing this song, going for long rides in flowery meadows, and cursing out senior citzens (after all, he *is* still Reno at heart). If you are interested in adopting or getting more details please drop a PM/smoke signal/IM. Thank you and good night.

Having covered that subject, since I love Shadow of the Colossus so much, I thought I'd share a clip of what the movie might be like:

SotC:Teh Movie Maybe. I hear it's still in the works though. :P


(expect more after the weekend is over ;) )

FOOTNOTE: Hey everyone! On a more serious note, I'm sorry that I haven't been able to respond to all of your comments personally. I feel bad not being able to respond to all of the supportive/amusing/just plain awesome stuff that you guys say. And here's another link of something you might all enjoy! :D

My Little Pony (Parody/Don't watch if you have heart problems...:|)