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My Return! Pig-Roasting! Sasuke-kun!

Originally, I was going to write a blog about my trip. But after thinking about it for a bit, I realized there wasn't a lot to tell. Sure, there's family stuff but most of that is...classified. As in, if I tell it, somehow, someday, somewhere, there are gonna be some serious repercussions, let ME tell YOU. We did do other things, like visit the one and only Tabasco factory, but Tabasco...oh man, that deserves it's own blog. Seriously. Bottom line about the trip: It was fun. And I didn't want to come back home afterwards. :P another topic, my school starts up again soon. *sigh* Summer passed way too quickly. There wasn't nearly enough time to sit around and do nothing. I know that sometimes I might complain about being bored but right now, I would do almost anything for some extra time. Pfh, the one thing I don't like about *IT* starting is the nightmares I have beforehand about every kind of crisis imaginable. Fire? check. Forgetting homework? Check. Getting locked in the school overnight? Check. All of this is so ridiculous! I don't even know WHY it happens but it does happen. It has happened since the second grade. I guess that's just who I am though...and nothings going to change that. :P

I also realized that I got some new games this month! :o And right before school starts too. I would dwell on them for a bit, but I think it's a little too late for "First Impressions." So let's see, I got Tales of the Abyss (at long last! :cry: ) and The World Ends With You (and me!). I know, I'm bad. :twisted: I just can't stop this steady flow of RPGs. Someone, help me before I drown! :cry:

While writing this blog (in Word, like all good bloggers do...;)), I was worried about this blog being boring. Seriously. Who wants to hear about school? No one, that's who. But tonight, a little something happened that totally turned that fear upside down on my head. And it's also the reason why about 20 minutes ago, I was drenched, covered in grasss, and hobbling on one foot. Let's take a quick step into my life, shall we?

-Tales of Twilight "Grass is green, My shirt is greener, but those girls take the prize for being even meaner."-

It all begin with two words. Pig. Roast. Innocent enough, right? And as any hip young gril knows, Pig Roasts are , like , SO IN right now, you know? But that was besides the point. I would get the chance to see my two best friends in RL and possibly catch a glimpse of Sasuke-kun (name changed to avoid potential embarrassment). :D What could possibly be better?

*sigh* I should have known better. The whole thing started out well enough, my friend and I got to observe some hot guys in action, things seemed to be going pretty great. Then the rain came down. It was thundering. And lightning. Pretty scary stuff. Personally, I enjoy wild storms, but then again, I'm a bit crazy. Before I go on, I think I should back track a bit so the whole thing makes sense. Most of my stories tend to frighten and/or confuse people so...the pig roast took place at a beach house with an outdoor pavillion by a beach. When the storm started, I was in the outdoor pavilion. There. That should clarify things. ANYWAY, I was sitting on a picnic bench inside the pavilion when this happened, eating my friend's desert. :P However, I was unaware of the tragedy that would happen next.

As you all know, I'm a girl. And as EVERYONE knows, girls spend about 87.9% of their lives in the bathroom. I needed to redo my hair so I decided to brave the rain and make my way to the restroom inside. Hah. Everything was going well enough UNTIL *it* happened. The floor was wet. I was wearing flip-flops and moving at a high speed. CRASH! I fell right on my a** and made an epic fool of myself in front of the "Evil Girls Clique" (why does that matter so much? It just does. And for the record, I think they were laughing as I got up). As I got up (too quickly), I noticed that my foot hurt a lot. I needed to run for cover though, so I ignored the growing pain and ran back to the safety of the outdoor shelter. I sat down and examined the damage. :| It wasn't broken hurt like a small bit of hell at first. And then I found out another piece of great news: I had been signed up for "silly" relay races. :shock: Does it get much worse than this? No. Not really.

Thankfully, I had my friends on my team. They got really worried and told me to "sit out of the race or ELSE." Who am I to argue with such wisdom? And I also had a clear view of Sasuke-kun (also me earlier. I was sent as a messenger by the lady in charge. He complained but once you're signed up, it's like you've sold your soul to the devil. There's no going back.). :D Later on, I insisted on being part of one race, so my friend grudgingly let me participate. And who was I against but...Sasuke-kun? I kicked his ASS by the way. Sorry. I'm not censoring my totally sweet victory one bit.

I was tired after that, so I went to go sit down and sip my cup of water. Things looked okay. But if there's one thing I've learned, nothing is ever as it seems. Only moments later, I was dragged into the fray for a final relay race. And the race wasn't the problem. It was just passing a sponge from hand to hand in order to fill a bucket of water. Innocent enough, RIGHT? WRONG. So freakin' WRONG. :cry: At the end of the thing, I asked one of the little kids to pour the extra water on my foot, so that it would feel better. And do you know what that little hellion did?! He threw the thing in my face. In. My. Face. :x I was okay with it though, since it wasn't a whole lot. I should have known better though. Only moments later, this HUGE torrent of water is dumped over my head. :x And by huge, I mean like a large sized bucket full. I was drenched. For the rest of the night, small children kept coming up to me and throwing sponges, toads, and small buckets of water all over me. Most of the other people at the roast avoided me like the Black Plague. People also laughed a lot whenever I came in to help clean up. I was just a sad little lump, ignored by the world. :P

I guess it's just my destiny to be a loser , eh?
